Chapter 2

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The party started at 10.30pm. Is already 11.30 and I hope that if I just go there, show myself to Mason--to prove that I was there--then I won't be there for too long.

When I arrive to Coreys' house I can see that everybody are there. The whole house looks full and there are a lot of people outside as well. I park my car somewhere on the edge of the road and get out of my car. I can tell that this party is just getting bigger and bigger. Everybody are pretty drunk and Coreys' house looks already trashed.

I walk over to the front door and raise my hand to knock but then realise that there is no point in that so I just open the door and step in.

The music is really loud and not at all to my taste. It's just pounding bass with some weird melody. I definetly don't listen to that kind of music.

I look around and try to find Mason and Corey but I can't see them anywhere. I start walking around to see if they're maybe dancing somewhere, or talking to someone but I still can't notice them.

I decide to go look from the backyard. I walk over to the door when I suddenly notice HIM.

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