Revelations: A Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir Story, Part 2

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I'm thinking of doing a part 3 and possibly a lemon if there is any interest for either. Please let me know if you want a part 3 and if you want a lemon or not! Thank you!

My apologies for the handful of mistakes that are sure to be in here because my writing program has no editing tools at all. Also, I had to re-space this entire thing on here because this site undid them all, same as archive of our own! And, also same as ao3, it undid all my italics! I don't have time to fix that too. Not now, anyway. Please forgive. Thoughts are always supposed to be in italics, fyi, in my fanfiction stories.

Also, much thanks for my awesome daughter who beta'ed this for me! Couldn't have done this without her! :)


A few weeks go by. Marinette and Adrien are "sickeningly happy," as Alya puts it. But they DO have a few kinks to work on. They occasionally almost call one another by their superhero names in their every-day forms, and by their every-day names in their superhero forms, but they are adjusting; no one suspects their dual identities. They also have a wee bit of trouble working together now that they are an official pair; worrying more about each other and sometimes being overly cautious when a riskier approach is called for. At times, their timing is a bit off as well. But these issues are minor, too, and the new couple is nearly back to full working order.Their only real problem with their union is Adrien's lack of free time--and freeDOM. However, he has what he hopes is the answer.


"Natalie," Adrian begins, "do you know where my father is? I have something important I want to talk to him about."

"He is in his study. But I'm sorry, Adrian, he has asked not to be disturbed."

The boy's head droops. "Of course he has. I'm nothing BUT a disturbance to him."

Despite her cold exterior, Natalie feels for the boy. She looks down in consideration for a moment, and then adds, "Well, if it's really important, I suppose I could ask him to spare five minutes or so..."

Adrian's head pops up with a smile. "Really? Oh, thank you, Natalie!"

"Sure. Follow me."

The two walk to Mr. Agreste's study, and Natalie knocks. "It's Natalie, sir, I'm coming in."

A moment later, Natalie emerges from the room containing the painting of Mrs. Agreste--and the not-so-secret safe. "You have five minutes, not a moment more. You know how busy your father is." She gives the young man a small smile.

"That's all I need! Thanks again, Natalie!"

"So what is so important that you must interrupt my work?" says a slightly agitated Gabriel Agreste, facing the painting, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Well, it's probably not too terribly important to you, but it is to me."

Gabriel turns to face his son. "Well, what is it?"

"I-I'm sorry for interrupting you, Father, you remember Marinette DuPain-Cheng, the girl who won the design contest for the hat I wore at one of my modeling gigs?"

"Yes, what about her?"

"W-well, Father, um...she's...well, she's my girlfriend now. And I really want you to meet her, face-to-face. Would that be possible?"

"Absolutely not. I do not have time to entertain teenagers. Is THAT what was so important?"

"But Father--"

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