Revelations, A Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir Story, Part 3

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A/N: Sorry, I was unhappy with my first draft of this part, so I took it down and rewrote it. I like it better now. Also, I'm sorry the "epilogue" is so short, and that there was no mention of Gabriel and Natalie within the story. I wanted to explore that relationship more, but this part was too A&M-oriented to give me an opening for it. Hope it's ok as is. Hope you all enjoy this!


It's Marinette's sixteenth birthday party, and the gang is all here with her at the skating rink. Marinette had invited everyone she knew, including the one other boy who ever made her heart beat twice in one breath, and the other girl that almost made her believe in love lost before it begins--Luca and Kagami, respectively. But of course, to her, there is only one person here she couldn't celebrate without. And he had managed to obtain much more free time and freedom since she had wormed her way into his father's heart in the way only Marinette could--and since Gabriel had given up on his dream, and renounced Hawkmoth. She is very grateful for all of that today.

Happy couples, friends and romantic pairs alike, skate together with Adrien and Marinette, though a few skate alone. All wear smiles, and seem quite happy to be celebrating with the two today. But eventually, nature calls, and Marinette asks Adrien to excuse her for a minute; then she disappears into the ladie's washroom. A cunning set of large, chestnut eyes takes notice...then sweeps in for the kill the instant the aformentioned girl's back disappears behind the bathroom door.

Kagami skates to the edge of the rink at the entrance/exit, nearest the restroom where Adrien is awaiting his beloved. "Hey, there, Adrien," she says as friendly as possible, "would you like to skate with me for a moment while Marinette's busy? I'd really like to show you a couple of really good skating moves you could try with her."

"Oh, why thank you, Kagami, that's very sweet of you. But I think we're having enough fun as is. No need to worry about us."

Kagami tilts her head down. "W-well," she says with mock insecurity, "there's...there's kind of another reason I wanted to. I don't really know anybody else here very well, and I'd really rather not skate alone the whole day. C-could you just take a couple of laps with me? I mean, just until your girlfriend comes back."

" guess that would be ok. I mean I'm sure Marinette would be ok with that, just a couple of rounds. Alright, let's go then!"

Kagami takes Adrien's hand and speeds off with him, giving an evil glance and twisted smile toward the door Marinette had disappeared into that Adrien fails to notice for looking directly ahead. He's a little uncomfortable with this; he had expected to be side-by-side, but not holding hands. Yet he didn't want to seem rude or hurt her feelings by jerking away, so he just bears with it. It's only for a lap or two, after all.

Needless to say, Marinette soon emerges from the restroom just in time to see her boyfriend with KAGAMI, of all people, skating past her. Marinette's heart winces at the sight, but she tells herself not to overreact. She figures he is just getting a lesson from her or something. But then she sees Kagami fall down halfway around the rink when she knows full well the girl is an expert skater, and Adrien carefully helping her up and getting her "steady" again with both of his arms, obviously engaging in pleasant conversation with the girl, smiles on both their faces. They look a little too cozy! Marinette is not happy.

First, her boyfriend takes off with another girl the SECOND she's out of sight; second, he doesn't even NOTICE her when she gets back; third, he's holding hands with her; and last but certainly not least, it's KAGAMI! Marinette remembers all too well the last time they were here, watching Adrien skate hand-in-hand with her, and that little chat she had with the boy about her before they came. He had called her "special," and "very pretty," even going into detail about her "deep, mysterious eyes" and "dark, silky hair." Adrien is suddenly not the only one here today with green eyes!

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