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Now is the point where everything is beginning to settle in. This piercing is going to happen, and I really have no choice to back out. Even if I wanted to, though he says he'll be on my side, Chanyeol will surely tell me to get the piercings for the purpose of helping me with my love life. There's no getting out of this.

As I reach for the hem of my shirt and begin to pull it up my body, I feel a cold draft rush up my body, causing my hairs to stand on end. Ignoring the cold, I pull my shirt over my head and throw it over Chanyeol's head, my bra still covering my breasts.

"Could you both look in the other direction," it's not a question, it's a demand. I would rather not have both of them stare at me while I take my bra off, even though both of them have already seen them or are going to see them anyway.

My cold hands run over my body and grab onto the clasps to my bra, pulling them apart slowly before letting the whole article of clothing fall down my arms. Pulling it off completely, I place it on the chair beside me and take a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm ready," I say in an almost confident tone, my posture straightening subconsciously as I find myself becoming less nervous about what is to come.

Taehyung turns back to face me, and his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink, though I don't think he's noticed, and I refuse to call attention to it.

"I'm going to clean the area," Taehyung says as he clears his throat, his hands roaming the counter to grab an alcohol wipe. He comes over to me and leans over slightly, his hands gently sliding the wipe over my nipples to clean them.

The wipe is soon thrown in the garbage and Taehyung replaces the empty space in his hand with a black marker. Silently, he kneels down and places the dots on both sides of each nipple so he knows where the needle should enter and where the needle should exit.

In the silence of the room, Taehyung turns around and grabs a clamp off the counter before wiping it with another alcohol wipe.

"I'm going to clamp this to you, it might hurt," Taehyung says as he comes over to me with the clamp in his hand. With full concentration, he gets down to eye-level and clamps it to my nipple. "You'll need to hold this."

With my right hand, I grab the clamp and hold it so it doesn't fall and tug on my nipple. The clamp pinches only slightly, but still enough to make me feel uncomfortable. My focus stays on the clamp, ignoring anything and everything Taehyung is doing in the background.

Taehyung kneels down in front of me again and moves the needle closer to my body.

"Take a deep breath in," Taehyung says, to which I obey.

As I breathe in, Taehyung positions the needle where it needs to be - right beside the first dot he drew.

"Now breathe out."

The air in my lungs releases into the calm atmosphere of the room, and I quickly feel a slight pinch go through my nipple, one that causes me to flinch only a little. Taehyung pulls away from me for a moment and picks up a small, silver barbell from the table behind him.

Without saying anything, Taehyung slides the barbell through the newly pierced hole and screws the ball onto the other end, securing it in place.

I feel the clamp pinch around my other nipple, and the room falls silent once again as Taehyung grabs a needle and places it beside my nipple on one of the guideline dots he drew previously.

"Deep breath in," he says in a calm tone, his eyes not once moving away from where they should be looking. I feel the needle touch the side of my nipple, and I release a deep breath before he can even instruct me to.

As I blow out my deep breath, Taehyung shoots the needle through my sensitive skin, sending tingles through my body.

Taehyung chuckles. "You did better than any other person to get nipple piercings from me," he turns around and grabs another silver barbell before turning back to me and placing it through the freshly pierced hole. "I can't say I'm shocked, though."

"Why not?" I ask, holding back a scoff as I raise my eyebrow.

"You were nervous when you were in here, I admit," he says as he fastens the ball on the barbell. "But I can tell that you're a stronger woman than you let off."

He's right. There's more to me than what I show everyone. I'm not just some cute girl with piercing and dyed hair that runs a bakery. I'm not someone that's afraid of a needle, someone who is nervous around new people. That's just the person I pretend to be, a mask I wear around the people I care about. Deep down, however, I am darker and scarier than what anyone would assume.

"You're wrong," I say, chuckling lightly as to not bounce my boobs in his face. "I'm everything I let off. The person you see, the one you will learn to know, is the person I am."

Taehyung frowns before stepping toward me, leaning down to whisper in my ear. "I know more about you than you think," he chuckles before pulling away. "This card is for aftercare. If you experience any issues with the piercings, feel free to call."

I nod before swallowing hard. "I'll be sure to call if anything comes up."

Silently, I slip my shirt on over my head and grab my bra with my free hand before grabbing Chanyeol by his wrist and pulling him out of the room.

"Thank you, Taehyung, for the piercing," I say without turning around, trying to leave the building as soon as I possibly can.

"Hyuntae!" I hear Yoongi call for me as I reach the door. I spin around to find him standing behind me, a gentle smile on his face. "I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee later?"

"I'm sorry, Yoongi," I say as I turn around and push open the door. "But, something has come up that I need to attend to ASAP."

Without allowing another word to be spoken, I push Chanyeol out the front door and walk through the alleyway at the side of the building, rushing as fast as I can to get back to my car without the chance of being followed.

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