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"I'm sorry," I say as I pull away from the kiss, my hands placing themselves on his chest to push him away. At some point when we were kissing, he laid me down on the roof and placed himself ever so slightly on top of me, just enough so I wasn't being smothered.

"You don't need to apologize," he says as he strokes my cheek with his thumb. "You never need to apologize."

"It's just that I know you like me, Kimoon," I say, my eyes moving away from his gaze. "I just don't think I could ever date anyone with the same profession as me, not again. Not after what happened last time."

"What happened last time was not your fault, you need to know that," he breathes before placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Seojoon had no right to do that to you, and to think he spent all those years trying to find you again, just for him to leave."

A tear rolls down my face and soaks itself into my hair. I pull away from Kimoon's gaze, I don't want him to see me cry.

"I was so good to him," I say, holding back all the tears I know are building up at a rapid pace. "I did everything right, and the moment I do one thing wrong, he tries to kill me, leaves me with this stupid scar."

Kimoon places his other hand on my cheek and forces me to look at him, his thumb tracing slowly over my scar - half a Glasgow smile.

"Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if you didn't show up when you did," I say, another tear falling freely down my cheek. "You saved me. You put my life before yours even though you knew Seojoon would have killed you."

"I'm still alive," he smiles as he rests his forehead against mine. "I'm not going anywhere."


Kimoon and I walk into the training room, spacing our entrances out a little bit so no one thinks we came in from the same place. I allow him to enter the room first because I know that the moment I enter the room, everyone is gonna throw a bunch of questions in my direction about what's going on, and I want him to be here when I answer them.

I take a deep breath before entering the room, I really hope this plan works.

"I have the plan, if you all wanna come into the conference room," I say before turning around and leaving almost as quickly as I entered. I nearly run to my seat and collapse into it, trying not to make it seem like I'm nervous that this plan won't work out or won't be good.

Everyone gathers into the room within seconds of me leaving, all of them sitting in their designated seats, Chanyeol waiting for everyone to sit down so he can sit in any empty chair he can find.

"We don't have a visual of this guy," I say as I place my elbows on the table and turn to Daehyun. He may be the driver, hence his nickname, but he's also an incredible hacker, and he can find nearly anyone just from little snippets of their face or body. "So, I was thinking, we can check the footage from my bakery and run facial scans on the part of his face that we can see. Run body scans as well, see if we can find any defining features that could set him apart."

Daehyun nods before excusing himself from the table so he can get to work. As he leaves, I turn to the others so I can explain the rest of the plan. I know it won't take him long to find the guy he needs to find, so I have no problem with him not being here while I explain the rest of my plan.

"Kimoon, Jaesuk and Yoongi, you'll all be coming with me to kill these guys," I say. "Daehyun as well, we need a driver. Chanyeol, you'll stay here with Beomgyu, Namjoon, and Taehyung, they'll keep you entertained and protected."

So far, everyone's following the plan, no one's had any complaints as to the way I've chosen who is coming with me.

"Why me?" Yoongi asks.

"Pardon?" I respond in a slightly cocky tone.

"Why am I coming with you?"

"Since you did so badly on the last mission, I shouldn't really be taking you with me, you don't have many skills that could be useful in this situation, if any," I say, completely shitting on his ego before he can say something stupid. "But we're gonna need someone to distract the bad guys, create a diversion, and you seem like you're pretty good at being held hostage."

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