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"Remember," I say as we sit in the car in front of the high school, the boys sitting in the car silently. Beomgyu is beside me in the passenger seat, and Yoongi is in the back by himself. "We get this done as fast as possible, no casualties unless there has to be. One fuck up from either of you, and you're out."

They stay silent, which I take as an agreement, so I get out of the car and grab my bag from the trunk before they both do the same.

"What's the plan?" Yoongi asks as we stand in a line facing the school building.

"Follow my lead," I breathe before walking up to the building and pushing through the doors.

The three of us waltz right up to the office and see only a single secretary sitting in the medium-sized room.

"I'm here to see Principal Park," I say as we stand casually in front of her desk.

She looks up at me, round lens glasses perched on the tip of her nose, her hair painted a natural shade of gray, bangs gently sweeping across her forehead.

Her doe eyes go wide as she looks at me before standing up and gesturing for us to follow her. She already knows who we are and why we're here, I can tell by her reaction.

"Mr. Park, nice to see you," I say as we file into his office.

The principal turns around at the sound of my voice and smiles widely at the sight of me.

"Hyuntae, it's been so long," he speaks as he takes me into a warm embrace. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"Not a problem, Principal Park," I smile in return. "Anything for my favourite principal."

"Do you guys know each other?" Yoongi speaks up.

"I went to school here," I smile as I turn around. "Mr. Park was, and still is, the only person in this school who knows about me being an assassin. I went to school still while I was training and working, and I even graduated."

"But, I assume, your grades were shit?" Yoongi asks with a smug expression.

"Actually, hotshot, I was a straight-A student. You can even check my transcript," I glare at him. "And, even after I joined the mob, I never missed a day of school and was never late to a single class, no matter what I was doing the night before."

Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Shall we begin?" I clap my hands together as I turn back to Mr. Park. "How can we help?"

"The police can't seem to catch them - the new gang that wanders the school - even though they wear their colours to school."

"I say we set up camp-"
"Camp?" Beomgyu cuts me off but looks at me with a sorry expression moments after he does it.

"We pretend to be high school students, or something, until we find them," I shrug. "But we only have today and tomorrow to do it."

"Sounds like a splendid plan," Mr. Park erupts with happiness at my suggestion. "Hyuntae, you can be a supply teacher, I can make sure to set you up so that you're always in one of their classes. Beomgyu can be one of your students, he'll be with you at all times. And, Yoongi, you can be the janitor."

Beomgyu snickers.

Yoongi goes to smack him, but he doesn't because he can see the way I'm glaring at him.

"Let's get to our positions," I say as I begin to walk to the door, Beomgyu following behind me. "The bell rings in twenty minutes."

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