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As I sit at the meeting table working on files for the bakery, Seojoon waltzes into the room and everyone begins to crowd in behind him. Everyone but him sits down and I close my laptop slowly as he begins to speak.

"A new mission has come in," Seojoon says as he throws a file onto the table. "Hyuntae, you're up, choose your team."

Seojoon turns to leave the room but stops in his tracks when someone speaks up.

"Wait. You're not gonna tell us what the mission is?" Taehyung asks with a confused tone.

Seojoon turns around. "Not my job," he smiles as he leaves the room.

The room is silent for a moment before Taehyung speaks up again.

"Then whose job is it?" He whispers.

I clear my throat and stand up from the table before walking over to the front of the table. "It's time I tell you," I speak. "When I came back here, I was given a promotion. I'm your boss now, as well as Seojoon."

They're all silent.

I nod before picking up the file and flipping it open. "A new gang has arisen in town, they've been terrorizing the town and their school," I flip the page a few times to read over the information. "The principal called and asked us to help. We leave in an hour. Beomgyu and Yoongi, you're my team, come prepared."

I grab my things from the table before disappearing into my room. With all of my weight, I throw myself onto the bed and lay there face down for a few moments. A loud sigh escapes my lips before I roll over and sit up.

"Don't ever try to sneak up on me," I demand as I make eye contact with Yoongi, who has shown up in my doorway at some point while I was lying face down on the bed. I stand up and walk towards my closet to grab a backpack to pack things for the mission. "What do you want, hotshot?"

I turn around to see that he hasn't moved an inch since I turned my back on him only moments ago. I shake my head to egg him on, but it takes him a moment to answer.

"Why did you choose me?" Yoongi finally speaks, his voice monotone.

"I choose my team based on people I think have the potential for what is being done," I press a patch on the wall and it collapses, revealing an array of weapons and harnesses attached to the wall on the other side. "Plus you claim that you're so much better than I am, so why not put you to work."

"I don't think that's a fair way to choose who comes on missions with you," he remarks as he takes a gentle step into my room, hoping I don't hear him approaching.

"Don't enter my room without permission," I throw a few more things from the hole in the wall into my bag and close it before turning around to face Yoongi. "If you think the way I choose my team is fair, then I can sure as hell replace you with the snap of my fingers."

"I'll go with you," he speaks up, his voice jumpy and urgent. "What do I bring with me?"

A chuckle falls from my lips before I zip up my bag and spin around to meet his gaze. "You think you're so big and mighty," I growl. "But you don't know what to bring with you on a simple mission. Pathetic."

I walk towards him so he moves out of my room before I grab my bag and close the door behind us.

"Pack your shit," I hiss as I begin to walk down the hall to the training room. I continue to speak to him even after I've made it halfway down the hall. "This mission means life or death for you," I stop and turn around, his silhouette still standing motionless in front of my bedroom door. "If you fuck this up, you'll be fired in an instant."

Yoongi may be standing far away from me, and I may not be able to see him, but I can tell that he's terrified about what will happen if he fucks up during this mission. One wrong move, one wrong call, one wrong breath, and he's out faster than anyone has ever been kicked out before.

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