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"Aw, come on, get a room you guys," Sam's voice shook Ellie awake. At some point during the night, Bucky's head had fallen, and his lips were pressed into her neck. He jolted awake, letting go of Ellie. She unlaced her fingers from his and sat up, yawning.

Bucky jumped off the windowsill as quickly as he could, Sam shoving a lightly armored suit into his hands, "I believe this is yours." Sam turned to Ellie and eyed her. "This may work for you too. Sharon stuck it in the pile of suits."

He threw the suit at her, and she caught it groggily, almost letting it slip through her fingers.

"Come on, we're moving out. Don't suit up yet, we don't want to get caught driving to the airport," Sam left the room. Ellie looked down at her outfit. It was a jacket with built-in armor, lightweight but incredibly sturdy. It came with a pair of thick black cargo pants, a belt, and worn-in combat boots, almost like they had belonged to Sharon herself.

She grabbed it all and followed after Sam. They loaded up the car and got in. The drive, while short, felt like an unending ride. The longer they were in the car, the antsier Ellie got. Bucky looked over at her twitching and grabbed a hold of her hand.

"We'll keep you safe," he said quietly. Ellie nodded, keeping her eyes straight forward. They were going to try to fight off some psycho assassins and yet she had never been in a fight before.

They arrived at the airport, going up towards the top of a parking garage, where a white van was parked, waiting for them. Steve pulled in right beside them. It was their backup, Clint and Wanda stepped out of the van to greet Steve. Sam and Bucky hopped out with him, Sam going over to say hello, but Bucky stayed on the other side of the car. Ellie wedged out after him, looking across at the other people.

She sighed as they talked, she had the feeling that they should get going. Bucky noticed this and budged in, "We should get moving," he called seriously to the group.

"The chopper's lined up and ready to go," Clint said.

Suddenly alarms went off, causing Ellie to jump. Over the loudspeakers, someone was speaking quickly in German.

"They're evacuating the airport," Ellie said quietly. Everyone turned to look at her.

"Stark," Sam said quietly.

"Everyone, suit up," Steve said.

The next few moments were a flurry of people putting on their armor, suits, and vests. Ellie found herself quickly pulling on her cargo pants on top of her leggings. Her jacket went on with ease, and she tied her hair up into a ponytail. 

Clint came up behind her and handed her a gun. Ellie had gone out shooting with her father before, and she took it, examining it closely, "Know how to use it?" Clint asked. Ellie nodded.

"Only use it on enemies, not on Tony or any of his friends, got it?" Again, Ellie nodded.

"Okay, we've gotta get a plan together," Steve said, calling everyone together. He quickly shouted orders, pairing people off together. Ellie found herself with Bucky and Sam

Since they had already been compromised, they knew that the chopper wouldn't work as their ride to Siberia. Locating Tony's quinjet would be essential in order for them to get out of Germany.

Ellie watched as Tony headed out to the helicopter, with Scott turning tiny and hanging on to his shield. Wanda and Clint took off to get into a higher position. Ellie went along with Bucky and Sam, being sure to stay behind them the whole time. They positioned themselves inside one of the terminals of the airport, with Sam using his tiny jet, Redwing, to scout out for the quinjet.

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