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Once they were safely out of range of other aircraft and people, Ellie felt Bucky stand beside her. He made his way over to where some medical supplies were stacked.

"Come here," he said, motioning her over. Ellie stood and went over to him. Bucky pulled her down to the bench that was built into the quinjet, making her sit while he pulled out gauze and an ice pack. Ellie looked around the quinjet before realizing that they were out of view from Steve.

Bucky's hand touched her face gently, and Ellie hissed, the feeling of pressure against her wounds hurt.

"Thanks," she said as he began to clean her face. He wiped away the blood and cleaned them. Bucky just nodded.

"Put pressure," he said, handing her the gauze and the ice pack. Ellie nodded. The ice pack was freezing, but it felt good against her raw cheeks. Bucky turned to go, but Ellie pulled him back to her.

"Don't go just yet," she whispered. Bucky examined her closely and sighed, clasping his hands together and sitting down beside her.

"I shouldn't have dragged you into all of this," he said.

"It's too late to wish that now. Plus, I chose to go along with it. I could have stayed back there, but I wanted to come with you, no matter what happens." 

He studied her closely, "It's just like what Steve and I always told each other. 'I'm with you till the end of the line.'"

Ellie smiled, "He is with you. And now, so am I." She leaned into Bucky, kissing him gently on the lips. Bucky held onto her for a moment before she pulled back. She peered around the corner to where she knew Steve was probably listening in. "He's a good friend, Buck. I'm glad you have always had him."

Bucky nodded, "Me too."

"We'll be there in an hour," Steve's voice said from the cockpit.

"Get some rest, Ellie," Bucky said, standing and walking away from her. Ellie laid down on the bench, icing her face for just a little while longer before she fell asleep, her body drained from the events.

Bucky kept an eye on her, noticing the moment she actually fell asleep. He looked down at the floor, pursing his lips. "Why did we bring her with us? They can kill her with just a snap to the neck."

"They won't get the chance, Buck. She'll be okay," Steve said.

"What about your friends? What will happen to them?" Steve hesitated before responding.

"Whatever it is, I'll deal with it."

"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve."

"What you did all those years, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice."

"I know, but I did it," Bucky said, looking back to where Ellie was sleeping. His mind wandered to all of the targets, to all of the people he had killed or nearly killed over the last century.

The gunfire, his target. He had to get to his target, no matter what. He stood and grabbed the woman who was blocking his way, "Bucky, wake up!" he could hear talking, but the woman in front of him wasn't the one speaking. He picked her up by the throat, clinching her tightly. He heard her choking, trying to shake him.

That's when he had woken up. If he hadn't, Ellie would have been dead, just like the real woman had died. Bucky shook himself back to the present. Ellie was still there, safe and asleep. He sighed, taking comfort in the fact that if he turned back into the Winter Soldier again, at least Steve was there to protect Ellie from himself.

But he had hurt Steve too, maybe even more so than Ellie.

"You're my friend," Steve had said. Bucky couldn't think straight, the giant jet was crumbling all around them. No, the person in front of him was his mission. Bucky tackled the man to the ground. He was no longer fighting back.

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