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Five's head rests in my lap, as Diego drives the car and Allison sits in the passenger seat. My hands are still shaking as I keep one hand on Five torso to make sure he doesn't bleed out anymore and I keep my other by his head. I had continuously, unconsciously checked his pulse every minute to guarantee to myself that he wasn't dying.

"How's he doing, kid?" I hear Diego ask from the front. I know I hear him, but everything seems so distant to me. I'm going to break down soon, but I can't right now. I have to hold on or stop it completely.

"H-he's still alive," I say, trailing off, looking down at Five. He was pale and his hair was disheveled. I check his pulse again. His heartbeat is still there. "H-he doesn't l-look good though."

The car delves into silence again, as I try to organize my thoughts and attempt not to have a breakdown while Five is dying on my lap. My breathing starts to increase some more.

I make sure my hand is on Five's torso and begin to run my other hand through his hair, unconsciously trying to calm both myself and him. Everything will be fine. I'm not going to have a breakdown. Five isn't going to die. Five is not going to die.

I continue to inspect Five's face for any pain or discomfort, but his face is blank. I run my hand through his hair still, trying to slow my breathing. Five is fine. He is right in front of you. You, Diego, and Allison will not let him die.

My heart is still pumping fast, due to my stress, but I manage to calm my breathing slightly.

"God, Five you are such a goddamned idiot." I mutter to Five. I see Five's face distort slightly in pain. He's waking up.

"Thanks." Five says weakly. I nearly breakdown right there hearing his voice, but I quickly regain myself.

"D-diego, he's awake, b-but I don't know for how long."

I realize my hand is still running through his hair and I quickly stop, but Five objects.

"No, no. You can keep doing that." Five says, weakly pulling up his arm to touch the hand that had been running through his hair. I hesitantly begin to run my hand through his hair again. I hear him sigh softly.

"A-are we almost there?" I ask from the backseat, looking up from Five. This ride felt like it was taking forever and I don't know how long Five would stay awake.

"We still have a few more minutes, kid. Keep Five awake."

I continue to run my free hand through Five's hair, as I think of something to say.

"Why didn't you say anything, Five?" I ask softly. I see Five's eyes flutter softly to look up at my concerned face. I see his eyes look over my face as he answers.

"Would have wasted time that we don't have."

"F-fuck, Five. You are such a dimwit sometimes. We need you to stop this apocalypse. Fuck, I need you."

Five goes to say something weakly in return, but is interrupted by Diego.

"We are here!" Diego quickly pulls the car to a stop. Both him and Allison jump out of the front, opening the back doors of the car to help me get Five out.

After about two minutes of struggling, we manage to get Five out of the car. Allison holds him by his shoulders and Diego holds him by his legs. My hands still shake as I rush ahead of them, and open the front door. We are here. Five will be okay.

"We should of taken him to the hospital." Allison says.

"A kid with a shrapnel wound might raise some questions." I hear Five say as I jog to the main couch in the living room. I move pillows to one side for Five's head. 

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