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I walk besides Five, who has the green bag carrying Delores, on his back. We walk on the sidewalk, a calm silence between us. Five has yet to tell me where we are going, but I have a feeling it has something to do with Delores. Before we left the house he kept looking at Delores, with a sort of look that I can't really describe. 

Five finally makes a turn on the sidewalk, revealing Gimbel Brothers. I have a faint idea of what Five is planning on doing, but I'm not sure. We walk through the parking lot, getting closer to the store.

A lot has happened since Five and I's visit here, when I dragged Five away, to help him. All of the memories of what has happened since then flashes in my mind. 

As we approach the entrance, I feel Five halt slightly. I turn my head so my left eye can see him. His frame seems hesitant and unsure. He grips onto the straps of the bag that holds Delores. His hands had begun to turn white from gripping the bag.

I slowly bring my right hand up to capture his left hand. He lets go of his tight grip and lets me hold onto his hand. 

"Whatever it is you're planning on doing, just know I'll support you. We're a team." I squeeze his hand softly, trying to reassure him. I feel him squeeze my hand back.

Using my free hand, I pull up the hood of my jacket. Even walking on the sidewalk, I had gotten some odd stares from the bandage wrapping most of my face.

Five and I walk into Gimbel Brothers, hand-in-hand.

We walk through the store, Five leading me to the stand where he had originally found Delores. So this is him moving on from the apocalypse.

Five starts to slow down as we finally reach the display where Delores once stood. Five lets go of my hand to take the bag off of his bag. I stand next to him and watch silently as he lets Delores go.

Five walks closer, but I stay a little behind, knowing this is something Five needs to do. He places the bag on the display and unzips the bag, revealing Delores.

"Hey." Five takes Delores out of the bag and places her on the center of the display. He adjusts her and drops his hands from her shoulders.

"I bet it feels good to be back... amongst your friends. It's okay, you can say it. We always were an unlikely pair."

I continue to watch as Five talks to Delores. I know Delores is just a mannequin to me, but to Five she is a lot more. He had her when he was alone, albeit she isn't real. She was something that helped him through the apocalypse. Five chuckles, continuing to talk to Delores.

"This isn't easy for me, Delores, and I... I want you to know that I cherish every single minute I ever shared with you, all 23 and a half million of them. A lifetime."

Five chuckles. I don't know how to comfort him, but I know he is trying to move on. Five wants to let go, to grow. I can only be there for him.

"We're lucky enough, we get a second one." Five chuckles. "Yeah. You're right. I do have a lot of growing up to do."

I see Five glance back at me. His eyes hold a million emotions, but I can't decipher any of them. He looks back to Delores.

"I'll never forget you, Delores." Five sighs and picks up the bag, zipping it up. He gives Delores one last look before turning.

He walks up to me. I softly grab his free hand and walk beside him, giving my unspoken support. I feel him squeeze my hand, obviously trying to find reassurance in his decision to bring Delores back. 

We walk up to a worker, who was placing some clothes back. 

"Excuse me, miss."


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