Chapter IX: Ambush

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(Later That Evening)

In the living room of the house sat the two teams in their entirety. Kakashi had just told them everything that Naruto and Menma had gotten from their mission infiltrating Gato' s mansion.

"So..." Ino started once all of the cards had been lain out for everyone to take note of, "You got within arm's reach of Zabuza's hunter-ninja and you guys ended up getting captured?" She asked to Naruto who looked away with his arms crossed.

Naruto let out an indignant snort, "It was late, we didn't know Zabuza was there." He grabbed at his hair and messed it all up, "What do you want from me? Kami, my head is spinning. I'm starting to hate my clones. The feedback is starting to piss me off." Naruto calmed himself and pulled his goggles down over his eyes so that he didn't have to directly meet anyone else's.

Kakashi chose to step in at this point, "Right... well now we know to be ready for tomorrow, and what have we learned from Gato's man?"

Menma spoke up after being more or less prompted to by Kakashi, "Gato's going to wait until after we're done fighting and then he's going to bring all of his manpower to finish off whoever wins. We know where he is though. It's not like he's really even hiding. He has a mansion that he's been constructing about 20 miles outside of town for the last year or so."

Sasuke thought for a moment, "So it's not even complete... That means that no matter how many men there are guarding the place inside or out there's going to be a way in."

Shikamaru then groaned slightly, "Is anyone here other than one of the jounin really good enough to get in and out without having the entire place try to tear them apart?"

The only person that raised their hands were Naruto and Menma, albeit slowly. Sakura looked at them both with a strange stare, "And why do you two think you can do that and get away?"

Menma and Naruto looked at each other before shrugging and answering simultaneously, "Meisaigakure no Jutsu/Because I'm awesome."

Ino looked over at Naruto and shook her head, "Of course you'd say that wouldn't you?"

Sakura let out a huff at Naruto's seemingly arrogant remark about himself, "And what exactly makes you so 'awesome' Naruto. I could accept Menma's reason, but other than raising an army of clones to fight them how would you get in and out unseen?"

"Aw come on Sakura-chan." Naruto said, "I'm not bad. I painted the Hokage Monument didn't I?"

Shikamaru scratched his head as he worked out his explanation, "And, well you just said it. Naruto can make a ton of Kage Bunshin to directly attack the place, and while that's happening the real Naruto and Menma under meisaigakure can easily capture some guy they wind up getting a hold of then Menma could probably use transformation jutsu move under the guise of saying that he caught him outside and brought him to Gato for interrogation."

Sakura's eyes widened, "That's... actually not bad at all. But don't they just go away after one hit or something?"

Naruto nodded, "Well yeah, but that doesn't mean that they can't raise enough hell to come off as a threat at least." He then looked down, "But I'm more worried about the whole thing with Zabuza. We know where he is. What are we going to do about that?"

Asuma looked over at his male blonde student, "Send a clone and tell them about what Gato is going to do. Hopefully they won't destroy it and they'll give you a chance to explain." He sighed, "If they destroy it or don't believe us then it won't matter anyway."

A shake of the head from Naruto was his reply, "No... I think that if I'm going to go I should go myself. If I don't go then they definitely won't trust us once the clone gets dispelled."

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