Chapter 1: Plus Ultra!

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"Man! What a long day!" Exclaimed Kyoka as she stretched her arms in the air hearing a slight pop to her satisfaction.

"Yeah, I didn't know there'd be that many villains in that hideout." Sighed Kaminari.

"But at least we managed to get all the hostages." Added Ochaco, smiling at her friends.

"Although, it was a lot more complicated than I originally thought." Added Lidia with a sigh.

"Yeah, even Kyoka looked like she was having a pretty rough time." Kaminari poked her side with his elbow as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Watch it Pikachu, you were almost brain dead with that last move you tried to pull off." She teased her boyfriend by making the dumb face he would make with the thumbs up causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey, at least this was a good opportunity to get together." Izuku thought out loud with a shrug.

"And there you have it folks, Izuku Midoriya being as positive as ever!" Shouted Kaminari, clapping right after with the others joining in. Izuku gave out a laugh and playfully shoved him.

"On another note~." Izuku began and turned his attention to the short brunette. "Guess who's birthday is coming up!" He poked at his friend, getting a chuckle of out her.

"Right! It's this Saturday, right? So how do you plan on celebrating?" Kyoka asked.

"Actually I was thinking about just having a small reunion, nothing too flashy, I just want to spend time with my friends." She said sweetly earning a choir of 'Awww' by her comrades.

"Oh! I know a place where we can listen to some great music and they've got the best food!" Kyoka mentioned. "It's on 3rd Street and it's called 'Celestial Cafe'. I have a close friend there and I can get the place just for us, what do you say?"

"Ooooo! Yeah, that sounds perfect!" Ochaco beamed. As they continued their casual conversation Kaminari looked at the time on his wristwatch and raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, it's getting pretty late." He said as he took a hold of Kyoka's hand. "We'd better get going."

"I think I parked my car nearby, do you two want a lift since we're going in the same direction?" Offered Lidia; kind and considerate as always.

"That'd be great!" Kyoka sighed in relief, she wasn't a big fan of buses so she was really thankful.

"Bye guys!"

"I hope to see you two soon."

"I'll send you details about the place later Ochaco! Bye!" Kyoka waved cheerfully. The duo waved as they watched their friends leave.

"She really has changed since we finished school right?" Ochaco sparked up a new conversation as they walked towards the bus stop.

"Yeah, I remember she was a lot shyer and a bit quieter, I guess Present Mic really had an influence on her."

She bumped into him with a chuckle. "You've changed quite a bit too Izuku." She looked up at the sky and held her hands behind her back. "I remember you used to constantly get nervous, you've gotten pretty confident." Izuku nodded in agreement. Ochaco then turned around and kept walking backward. "You know, I think we've all changed since we were in U.A, yet we're the same people we met that first day of class. We've grown and matured but still have that lingering touch of when we were younger." Izuku lifted an eyebrow at her statement.

"Looks like turning 23 has made you wiser~ or, you're just getting old." He teased, which earned him a punch to the shoulder. She was trying to be playful but she still packed a punch.

"What about you? You're 24! You're even older~." She teased back earning a laugh from her friend. She turned back around before she could bump into anyone and then they continued talking about the good old days, bringing up stories about how they act and goof around until they reached the train station.

"Well, this is my stop, thanks for accompanying me!" She thanked.

"No problem, the bus stop is close by anyway." He gave a shrug. "See you later Ochaco."

"See ya Izuku." With a final wave, Izuku left and made his way to the bus stop.

He was tired, to say the least. Investigations, robberies, and kidnappings all in one day?

Well, that's the life of a hero.

And it's especially harder since he had to bear the weight of the title #1 Hero in Japan on his shoulders.

But it wasn't a bad thing, he chose to do this and he knew what responsibilities would come with that grand title. He was happy to be doing what he worked so hard to get. It was hard and tedious, and dangerous, and sometimes overwhelming, but when he gets to see the smiles on the faces of the people he saves, it's beyond Plus Ultra.

Izuku sighed as he got off the bus and walked towards his apartment. It was small but cozy, nothing too extravagant, something he actually enjoyed a lot.

He walked in and said, "I'm home~." To no one in particular but it just kind of became a habit over the years.

He closed the door behind him and took off his shoes. He warmed up a sandwich he left from yesterday and ate it as he looked out his balcony.

After taking the last bite, he walked into his bathroom and brushed his teeth, starting to get ready to go to bed. He slipped out of his clothes and tossed them into the dirty laundry and got in his soft pajamas.

With a satisfactory sigh, tucked himself into bed and turned off his lamplight.

It was finally peaceful quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the ticking of the clock and-


Izuku bolted up from his bed and rushed to get his uniform. He knew all too well what that alarm meant. He quickly got in his hero suit and put on his mask.

You see, technology today has obviously gotten better since he was in U.A. Now, they have these special small alarms that could be in any form depending on the user; a key chain, a necklace or in Izuku's case, a watch. Each one, like a hero's costume, is customized having a different alarm tone so that the person can identify it. It sounds like a ringtone so it's more discreet for heroes like Izuku.

Although he loved the attention, he also wanted to live a pretty regular life when he could. That's why, when he finished school, he modified his Hero suit to have a full-on mask.

Anyways, back to the situation at hand, Izuku was already jumping on roofs as he contacted headquarters through an earpiece in his mask. They immediately gave him the direction and a brief explanation of what was going on.

"Roger that, on my way." He ended the call and kept running down the streets. At one point he met up with Ochaco along the way.

"Looks like I'm seeing you sooner than later Deku" She chuckled.

"A hero's work is never done Uravity."



"Plus Ultra!!!"

~ Celestial-Red & MMSpaMEM ~

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