Chapter 4: Hero

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Izuku yawned as he tied up the villain and handed her over to the authorities. "Tough day Deku?" One of the police officers commented on seeing his tired state.

"Yeah, but it's nothing a little rest won't cure." He chuckled and straightened his posture. "See you around!" He waved goodbye and started making his way back to the hero building but that's when he realized that it was already closed by now.

Is it really that late already?

Deku opted for going somewhere where there weren't that many people. He found a small park and headed over to a bench to sit down and lifted his forearm. You see, Deku's hero suit also had a function that allows him to remove his suit and replacing it with backup regular clothes in case he ever needed. Pretty convenient don't you think?

Once he was all changed, he stretched his arms towards the sky and then let out a sigh. It had been a long day and since he didn't get much sleep yesterday, although he's not really complaining since he got to spend time with you, he was pretty tired nonetheless.

He looked around and recognized the neighborhood; the Cafe wasn't too far from there.

I don't have anything for dinner, might as well pick something up on the way home.

He thought with a smile. Izuku got up from the bench and made his way towards the cafe with the excuse that he wanted food, of course, he was also glad he would be able to see you again.

As he walked towards his destination he realized that there were people outside the cafe looking through the big glass window. He cocked an eyebrow in confusion and as he got closer he realized that they were there so they could hear you sing.

He carefully and politely asked the bystanders to move aside so he could get in. "♪I just wanna make you feel okay. But all you do is look the other way.♪" You sang as you heard the bell, that hung on top of the door, ring catching your attention. "♪I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay.♪" You saw Izuku and gave him a small wave with a bright smile. "♪I just kinda wish you were gay.♪" You couldn't help but let out a chuckle seeing Izuku's reaction as if you were talking to him instead of singing the song. "♪I just kinda wish you were gay. I just kinda wish you were gay...♪" You ended the song and the whole Cafe gave a round of applause to which you took a bow.

"Thanks, everyone! I'll be taking a small break!" You started making your way off the small stage but you heard a collective of 'aw's from the crowd. "Don't worry I'll be back soon, and remember you can make any requests, just tell the waiters and I'll sing them for you all!" You waved and finally got off the stage.

"Hey." You greeted Izuku as you tied up your hair and took a seat.

"Hey, you were great up there." He complimented with a smile.

"Thanks! Oh, are you here to order something? If you want I can run it directly to the kitchen and get your order done first because honestly there's a lot of people tonight." You commented with a chuckle somewhat surprised by how many people were there, and you weren't even using your quirk.

"Sure! That would be great actually, thanks Y/n."

"No prob!" You called Celest over and Izuku gave her his order and she got right to it. After that there was a small pause before Izuku spoke again.

"You know you would make a great Hero." He thought out loud. You looked at him somewhat caught off guard by what he said.

"Oh god no, I have nothing against them but I wouldn't be able to deal with all the things they have to do like investigations, reunions, not to mention the working hours they have to complete and sometimes you even have to work on your day off..." You continued rambling on about your reasons but Izuku noticed how you knew so much about hero work. "...and then there's not being able to have that many friends-"

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