Chapter 3: Oh no...

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The majority of the guests had already left since it was getting pretty late. Those who stayed were eating snacks as they talked about how they have been and what they were up too.

"How's hero work, Izuku?" Toru asked all of a sudden.

"It's been pretty hectic lately, but I manage." He shines a smile her way making her giggle.

"I've seen you on TV plenty of times and I heard you're now a post of the investigation team?" Kaminari asked in amazement while lifting his glass towards his friend. "I can barely keep up with my hero missions, I can't even begin to understand how tough it must be for you."

"Well I-" Suddenly everyone started clapping, seeing as you've finished a piece, the group joined in the applause.

"Thanks everyone, that's all for today!" You gave them a small wave before taking off the acoustic guitar strap from your shoulder.

"Why don't you join us?" Kyoka called out. "You're not working anymore right?" You looked over at Celest to which she only gave a small shrug.

"Sure!" You said happily and hopped off the small stage and jogged over to the small group. You took a vacant seat next to Kaminari and Fumikage. You felt kinda awkward at first since you really didn't know anyone else other than Kyoka.

"Oh! Right!" Kyoka took notice of your discomfort and started introducing you to everyone. You said your respective hello's and felt a bit better.

"By the way," Kyoka began as she hopped over to Midoriya, grabbing him by his shoulders for emphasis. "My friend Izuku here wants to ask you a bunch of questions about your quirk if you don't mind." You raised your eyebrows and you could tell how embarrassed he was since he couldn't muster up the courage to ask you himself. You let out a chuckle and nodded your head.

"Ask away." You casually leaned back in your chair. Izuku's expression just lit up like a Christmas tree and he took out a small note pad with a pen. You asked yourself if he always walked around with it. 

He took a deep breath and boy were you not ready. "How long can you use it? What's the side effect of using it too long? What kind of emotions can you create? How many people can you affect? Does your quirk still work with original songs? Is your quirk stronger the louder you sing? What happens if someone can't hear you sing, does it still work somehow? Have you ever been caught using it as a benefit to the Cafe? How high can you go? Can you use it directly to certain people? Does it affect you? Do you have to sing the whole song for it to work or does it also work in parts?" He paused for a moment to take a breather but you held your hands up so he could give you some time to actually answer.

"Ok okay give me a second." You sweatdropped as you quickly processed everything he said.

"Oh, sorry about that, I tend to go overboard when it comes to new quirks, we can go one by one if you-"

"Depends on how loud I sing, but usually about 10 songs that are around 3 minutes. My throat gets sore and I could even lose my voice for a while. So far I know I can make people happy, excited, sleepy, sad, melancholic, calm. About 30 people, the more people the less strong it can affect. It's more powerful when the songs are original. The louder, the better. If I touch a person I can send vibrations but it isn't as effective. I haven't been caught yet and I don't plan to anytime soon. I'm not sure but I can break a crystal glass. Yes. And not unless I want it too. It works in parts but not as much as a full song." You took in a big breath once you finished and you could help but laugh seeing how shocked Izuku was since his pen dropped.

"Any more?" You asked with a smirk. Izuku opened his mouth but decided to write everything you just said before he forgets.

"He's a total nerd when it comes to Quirks." Added Ochaco with a small laugh.

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