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My head dropped down on my phone quickly as I felt it buzzed on my hand.


I'm here.

I scratched the back of my ear when I read her message. Suddenly, the butterflies on my stomach went alive again. It felt as if we're seeing each other for the first time and just thinking about how it all started felt like yesterday.

The boys and I landed in Los Angeles 5 hours ago. So she and I both planned to see each other just before her group fly to New York tomorrow. I really wanted to see her and take her on a date on her special day. I don't mind the jet lag. I'll do anything if it means I can see her.

"Where is she?!" Jiminie went by my side and gazed down on my phone. He went with me to come here in this exclusive restaurant inside a 5 star hotel. That's what I hate about the rules they put on me. When Hobi hyung, Jin hyung and Jennie noona won the bet, my hyungs told the news to Bang PD and they ganged up on me like I'm some kind of a baby that needs babysitters. The only thing I'm thankful for is that I'm not the only one suffering in all these teasing. Apparently, V hyung accidentally blurted about him and his girl that same rules were applied on him too.

My hyungs and that stupid bet.

Ever since we met the girls in Australia, they all kept in touch but those idiots did not include me and V hyung in the group chat. It was childish but I still get affected every time they teased me about my relationship status.

"Hyung, you promised you'll stay away from the two of us."

Jiminie rolled his eyes. "I'm your chaperon. I know what I'm doing."

"Yeah, and you also have a life besides tailing on me like a dog the whole night." I retorted back.

"Aww, my Jungkook is such a man. Where did my cute lil bunny go?" He said caressing my chin, a habit he and the hyungs developed ever since I started acting like an adult.

I was pushing his little hand away from my face when he grabbed my head and pulled it on his shoulder. "Oh, someone is staring at us. I think we have to ditch her Jungkook. Oh no, she's waving at us. Quick hide!"

I lightly punched his chest tired of his dramatic antics. I swear if I'm only older I would've thrown him on the sea a long time ago.


"Don't be stupid. That's my girlfriend." I rolled my eyes at him and smiled at Chaeyoungie. She's with her manager Sangwon. I saw her take off her mask and her huge coat revealing a simple white dress that complimented her figure. She gave the coat to her manager and started walking towards me.

How did I get this lucky?

"Hello? Earth to Jungkook?" Jiminie's voice was in the background but I wasn't paying attention. I was too much in awe at the sight before me.

"Hi guys. Did you wait long?" She said a tinge of pink was showing on her cheeks.

"Ah, finally! Jungkook was so impatient he couldn't wait to ditc- ow! Man can't you take a joke!" I hit his stomach hurting my hand in the process. His abs are no joke, but I smiled as I saw his pain.

"Your promise, Hyung." I reminded him talking in a nice way. I coughed when I saw him holding in his laughter as I addressed him politely.

"Yeah, yeah." Jiminie said waving his hands. "I'll be four tables away. I won't make any noise and I promise to behave."

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