Turning Point

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Emre is in the agency. Once he hung up with Can, he thought to himself, why does this situation even exist in their lives? Why so much lying? His brother is obviously happy with Sanem. He deserves to. After what their mother had done to them they both deserve to be the happiest ever. She separated two brothers from each other, she separated one from his father and another from his mother. Can don't deserve this, Emre don't deserve this. This shit has to be over, and right now. Emre called his lawyer and asked him to meet, he hurried to his office and had a small meeting then headed to another place. (you'll know about this place later hehe)

After that, he headed to ... Aylin. Yes, Aylin. Isn't this shit has to be over?

He rang the door bell and waited. Aylin opened the door, "Ahhh, Emrecim naber ..." she approached to hug him. His inside didn't even want to look at her face but he has to do this just to take what he wants now, just five more minutes, and there will be no Aylin!

"Canım, please, can you get me your copy of our contract, I was near here and needed to see something in it and I didn't want to go again to the ageny yani you know, i'm so sleepy." He faked a yawn and spoke sleepily.

"Of course canım just wait a minute, make yourself a drink if you want to." She headed to the stairs and after a while she was back with a file in her hands while Emre was holding a glass of whiskey. "Aha take it."

Emre got the papers out of the file and threw the file on the floor. He made a quick tour through the contract and then said "Such a nice contract, but unfortunately, its place is in the basket." Surprising Aylin, he tore the papers into million pieces and threw them on the floor.

Aylin started yelling, her voice cracking, and fear tears coming out of her eyes slowly.

He smirked and answered, "This what should've been from way too long, I was an idiot, I admit it."
"I don't think that's important to you but at least I can tell you I'm better than you."
"Because I know, by the way, how's Helmi? I made a visit to him in jail, oh and he said he can witness against you saying you're the one who incited him to publish and claim my brother's campaign as your own, IF i want to." (yuuup that's the place)
"Ayliinnn, get out of our lives, do you understand? GET OUT OF OUR LIVES!"
He laughed again and said "Nooo, don't tire yourself, I'll tell him."
Emre blowed a kiss in the air with his fingers and said "Goodbyyyee, Aylin." He started walking out of the house while Aylin sobbed and yelled "EMRE WAAAIT!" "WAIT!"

Emre knew this was the right decision, but there's something missing ... Leyla.

He called Leyla, asking about her whereabouts, and told her to meet somewhere. They met at the place near the beach. There are hawkers, passersby, benches, all natural. They both genuinely liked this place because of its purity and nature and they go there every now and then but they didn't admit it because they had always worn that serious and tough face to the world but the truth is their hearts are the sweetest ever.

Leyla arrived there and her eyes found Emre sitting on a bench facing the beach. Her eyes kept looking for him all over the place and when they found him she ran to him and sat on the bench.

"Emre bey n'oldu?!" She spoke fast worriedly while she panted because of walking and running quickly to see him.
"Leyla calm down, I .. just .. yani .. I need to confess to you everything from A to Z."
"What are you talking about, Emre Bey, I don't understand .."
"Look Leyla, first think I'll confess is .. I am in love with you, Leyla!"
"W-what? What did you say?"
"I am so in love with you.."
"What! Emre bey! I .. I don't belie-" Leyla started trembling and she lost consciousness eventually.
"LEYLA!!" He flipped her face right and left slowly and gently then toughly to see if she is aware, he whispered audibly to himself, "Allah aşkına what can I do now!!! Hmmm, hmmm, PERFUME!! She definitely has a bottle perfume." He searched in her bag for her perfume and fortunately he found one.

Emre started applying perfume on the back of his hand then he put his hand under her nose, slightly caressing it, till she gained consciousness again.

"Uuhh Emre Bey, did you .. say something?"
Emre laughed while he said, "Yes I did!"
"So is it what I remember or...?"
"Yes Leyla it is."
"Leyla, I have feelings for you that I can't hold back no more! I kept on holding them back but ... now it's too much for me, I mean, it's time to free them"
"Then don't .. Emre"
"Is it Emre?" He asked surprised and smiling.
Leyla nodded while she smiled too.
They were lost in each other's eyes then Emre blinked to return to reality and his smile was gone.
"Uuhhh Leyla look there are other things you have to know .."
Emre started to speak while Leyla was in a complete shock, little tears slipped her eyes which Emre wiped them away with his soft warm thumb.
"That's it, and as I told you this is definitely over right now, there's no Aylin, but I need to tell Abi about everything."
Unexpectedly, Leyla held Emre's hand in hers and stood up quickly saying "Come with me you'll tell Can about everything now" but he sat her down and kissed her hand the he laughed and spoke.
"Noo I can't go now, he called me and warned me not to come home because Sanem is there"
"Ah-ah tamammm now I know where does she goes recently and says she's at Ayhan's, nice, now I'll threaten her to say to mom and dad if she doesn't obey my orders" She evilly smiled.
They both laugh next.
"Ummm, Leyla?"
"Yes?" She looked back from the ocean to his beautiful eyes, that's when they're both lost again.
"You knew everything, I expected you to leave me after this, I mean ..."
"Look, Emre, I don't care about the past, it's all about the present. It only matters whether you really want to close your past and create a present, or live in the past and give up about your present, future, and whole life."

Emre wrapped his arms tightly around her for and eternity then they stood up getting ready to leave.

Emre yelled in the middle of the street "I LOVE YOUUUU" and all the people looked at them.
"I LOVE YOU TOOOOO!!!" She answered, yelling.
They hugged again and jumped in each other's arms.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Back to Can and Sanem,

Sanem's idiot-self, thought about drinking a glass of wine while Can cooked for her, only one. She finished a glass then thought of another, "Hmmm, maybe another one won't harm". She finished then thought of the third, "Yani, i'm self conscious, I won't harm myself, three glasses definitely won't harm me...."

She took the third one and headed to the garden, sat on the grass laying her legs on it and put the glass on the grass next to her.

Can got out of the kitchen expecting to find Sanem on the sofa, maybe watching something on the tv, sitting on the diner table, but she's not, "Sanem, Sanem?" he called her more than once and then his eyes found her outside in the garden. He put the food on the table and whispered to himself "Allah, this position seems familiar to me .." he saw the glass next to her and whispered to himself again "Ah-Ahhhh!!!"

He headed to her and then Sanem gave him a look of "sit down please".

"Aşkım, why did you drink alone?"
"That's the third glass actually" she said.
"Ah-Ah Sanem are you okay?"
Sanem laughed a bit and answered "Evet evet, don't worry, sevgilim."

"Can, actually there are things I should to tell you before we start us ..."

"Sanem, actually, I know everything."

to be continued . . .

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