Welcome to the foundation

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Warnings: violence, gore, death (pretty much what every other chapter will contain so...)

Your eyes opened to be greeted by white. A plain white ceiling, plain white walls. The light in your tiny cell was dim. You assumed that it was meant to save energy. Not that it mattered, there wasn't anything to look at in that room so they could have left you in pitch darkness for all you cared. The cell was like any other prison cell, the only difference being the pristine whiteness of the interior and the complete lack of any window. The door was a heavy metal and just like any prison door had a slide in it for your captors to check in on you without ever needing to open the door. You loathed that door because it wasn't soundproof. You'd only been here about fourty eight hours or at least you thought it had been fourty eight hours. There really wasn't any way of telling in here but you had heard disturbing noises from the other side of that door. Every few hours guards would walk down the hall and you'd hear them open one of the cells and comand of one the other inmates to follow them. Sometimes they didn't return but on the three occasions that they had your heard them whaling, crying or begging the guards to send them back to prison. One had even begged for his death. He had got it. You remembered hearing a scuffle and the guards yelling stop before hearing gunshots. You wondered what this place did that was so awful that a criminal on death row would rather die than remain here. Although they weren't called in mates here, you had firmly been told when you arrived that you were D-class. You weren't sure what that meant but still preferred it to being called a criminal. 

You weren't a criminal, you were innocent. You knew that all guilty convicts claims innocence but you genuinely were. The truth was that you had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. You had been on your way home when it happened. The sound of two people arguing caught your attention as you passed one of the quieter streets. You wouldn't have walked down there but concern drew you in as you heard a woman pleading to someone not to hurt her. As you rounded the corner you saw two women, one of whom was holding a knife. The other looked terrified as she shakily offered her bag. You weren't sure what you had been thinking but you had somehow got it into your head that you could be a hero. The woman with the knife was standing with her back to you so she didn't notice you creeping up behind her. In an instant you leaped onto her unintentionally knocking all three of you to the ground. You remember struggling to pull the knife out of her grasp and you failed to see her pull her other arm back before it was too late. She punched you full force in the face and you fell backwards as your head cracked against the concrete floor. All your strength left you and you watched in a daze as the other two women struggled. You watched helplessly as the frightened women tried to flee from her violent attacher. You had finally managed to recover enough to push yourself upright when things took an even worse turn. The offending women suddenly stabbed the knife into her stomach. You remembered struggling to get to your feet but by the time you had reached them it was already too late.  The injured woman was thrust into your arms by the other and she immediately collapsed into your arms. The other woman threw the stolen contents of the bag back at you before running off down the street. Your body was shaking. It had all happened so fast and you weren't thinking straight which is what led to your second mistake. The woman who now lay in your arms shivering and flinching weakly asked you to remove the knife from her abdomen. If you had been thinking straight than you would have known that was a bad idea but you were in such a state of shock that you didn't think. You reached forward and pulled the knife from her body. Seconds later she gave a choked thank you before the light left her eyes. Before you could even think to call the police you were spotted by a bystander who hadn't seen the events play out. They had obviously showed you in a negative light having assumed that you were the attacker. The fact that your fingerprints were all over the knife didn't help your case and you were eventually sentenced.

You had been given the death sentence but after entering the prison you were approached by two people in suits who had offered you a deal. The deal was that instead of serving your sentence in prison you would serve it in a facility where your existence would aid science or something. Your death sentence would be delayed as long as you made yourself useful. To be honest they were very vague with the details and when you asked for more information they reminded you that you weren't in a position to demand answers. Not really knowing what you were getting into, you signed your life away on the dotted line. And now you were here, laying on your bed staring at the ceiling and wondering what you had gotten yourself into.

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