The Doctor's assistant

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You exited the elevator along with Your armed gaurd escort. You walked down the familiar corridor towards SCP-049's containment cell. You found it almost amusing that your entire life seemed to have become a continuous series of you walking to your possible doom and somehow surviving. You wondered if this would be the last time. Your luck had to run out eventually, right? While you were still afraid, you weren't nearly as frightened as you had been before. It was as though your mind was growing accustomed to the constant threat of death. It was nice not to be shaking with fear because it allowed you to carry yourself with dignity. Although you were sure that wouldn't last long once you were inside. 

As you reached the containment cell you were greeted by Dr Itkin. He offered you a weary smile as he approached. "Good morning (Y/N). We're almost ready to begin, they're just bringing SCP-049 in now." You nodded and noticed how stressed he seemed as he prepared the cameras and recording devices for the experiment.  You wondered if he was also a prisoner in a sense. Did the researchers and doctors here get a chance to say no? You weren't sure. Maybe it was just the pressure getting to him. The sound of doors sliding open caught your attention and you looked up through the observation window to see 049 being escorted into the room. There were two armed gaurds on either side of him. His hands were shackled in some very heavy looking restraints and there was a restraint around his neck attached to two metal polls. Two researchers kept a firm grip on the polls as they lead him into the laboratory like cell. Once they reached the middle of the room the two gaurds trained their weapons on 049 as the researchers started removing the neck restraints. A gaurd reminded 049 not to move and you watched with interest as one of the researchers approached him. 049 held out his hands and waited patiently as the researcher unlocked the cuffs. The moment the restraints were gone the researchers and the gaurds made a hasty exit. 049 lifted a hand to his neck and seemed to rub the area where the restraint had been. You so posed they couldn't have been very comfortable. 049 seemed to sense your gaze on him as his eyes suddenly darted to return your stare. You felt yourself stiffen as you looked into his stormy grey eyes. They were so human like but that only served to make you feel more uneasy. Your mind quickly recorded how cautious the researchers were while unchaining him. There seemed to be a persistent air of fear regarding this SCP among the staff.  You realised that they intended to put you in there with him completely unrestrained despite the evident risk.

It took about two minutes for Dr Itkin to set up all the observation equipment but as soon as he was done he turned to you. "Alright (Y/N), head over to the door and the gaurd will let you in." He said. You did as you were told despite the constant feeling of reluctance. You waited in front of the heavy doors as Dr Itkin pressed the intercom button and addressed SCP-049. "SCP-049, I am sending in (Y/N) (L/N) who as per your request, will be acting as your assistant during this experiment. Please do not attempt to approach the doors when they open." The moment Dr Itkin finished speaking the gaurd swiped a card across the sensor and the doors slid open. You stood frozen for a second until the gaurds' board voice cut you from your daze. "Please hurry, I'm not permitted to hold this door open for more than a few seconds." You reacted automatically and stepped through the doors. Your eyes remained fixed on 049 as the doors slide shut behind you. For a moment there was silence before 049's voice broke it. "Ah (Y/N), I trust you came prepared, there is much to do." He said as he produced his bag from his robes. You wondered where on earth he stored that thing. The files said that when the bag was within his robe it was practically nonexistent and couldn't be located. Obviously there was something anomalous going on with it. 

You remained by the door, not really wanting to approach him. Unfortunately you knew that you wouldn't be able to just stay there throughout the experiment and as if on que Dr Itkin's voice came across the intercom. "(Y/N) I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the door. We can't bring in the test subject until you move." You silently cursed under your breath and walked diagonally across the room so that you weren't walking directly towards SCP-049. As you approached him, the plague doctor who had been rummaging through his bag turned to watch you. You were sure that he noticed your attempt to give him a wide birth but he didn't say anything. You could feel the intensity of his gaze and fought hard not to break eye contact. You didn't want to appear weak by cowering in his presence as you had done the first time you met. You held his gaze as his stormy grey eyes scrutinised you. You started to worry that something was wrong when he didn't look away or do anything for a moment too long. Was this a bad sign? Was the entity weighing you up for something? You didn't have the confidence to ask him and so you stayed silent and returned the unwavering stare as you silently prayed for this moment to end. Luckily, it seemed your wish was granted as Dr Itkin spoke across the intercom again. "We are about to send in the test subject, please do not attempt to approach the doors or staff members." And just like that 049's attention was diverted to the staff who were wheeling in a metal table with what appeared to be a bird of some sort. You watched as 049 observed the corpse with distain before addressing Dr Itkin through the window. "What is this?" He sounded almost insulted. "It's a vulture." Dr Itkin explained casually. You held your breath as you could almost see irritation radiate off the SCP as he snapped at Dr Itkin. "I know very well what it is sire, I thought I made myself clear that avian specimens are of little use to my research." You heard the intercom crackle as Dr Itkin responded. "You did but that was all we could get hold of right now. I can make a note for your next preference." You heard 049 sigh before muttering. "Yes, please do." 

The plague doctors bride /SCP-049 X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now