Blood on the walls

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You had been gazing out of the window when an abrupt knock at your door startled you. It wasn't the sudden noise that made you jump, more the gentle tone of the knocking itself that caught you off guard. You'd gotten used to the guard's harsh thumping at your door before they unlocked it, however, this knock was far too polite to have been one of them. You found yourself staring at the door as you questioned whether you'd imagined it until you heart a muffled voice on the other side. "Miss (Y/N), are you ready to go?" You recognised the voice instantly as that of Dr Itkin's research assistant, Catherine Shepard.Catherine was probably the only researcher you had something akin to a fondness for. Not to say that you liked her, more that you thought of her as a someone you could trust. Those types of thought were be foolish, though. You knew better than to think of any of the foundations workers as friends. You were simply fond of her polite demeanour and what seemed to be genuine kindness. You had seen her during most of your interactions with 049, however you hadn't spoken with her until the more recent interviews. Catherine had been the only researcher not to address you with contempt. She also never, during her interviews with you, insisted that you knew why 049 changed his mind about having you as his assistant. You thought that if you hadn't already been pelted with the same repetitive questions over and over again, you and her could have been on better terms.The door clicked loudly as it was unlocked, and you watched from your place near the window as it opened with Catherine peaking her head around it. Once her eyes landed on you her face brightened with a warm smile. She waved you over with one hand as she held a thick black folder to her chest. "Come on, let's go." She said with what you thought was far too much enthusiasm for someone in her line of work. None the less, you proceeded to follow her out of the apartment.

You wondered why she came to fetch you herself this time. In all of the countless and repetitive interviews you had endured over the past days, there had always been guards to escort you. However, the researchers had never done this before, so it all struck you as odd.The guard behind you roughly slammed the door shut as you made your way out of the complex and across the to the main building. You took this moment to enjoy the breeze on your face as the wind picked up slightly. These brief few seconds were all the time you ever got to be outside, so you relished every second of it. Of course, you weren't stupid. You had fully expected that you wouldn't be allowed to wander as you pleased. Despite what some of the researchers would have you believe, you knew you were still a prisoner in this godforsaken place. What you hadn't expected was for them to bolt all of the windows in your apartment shut, so you couldn't even crack them open for some fresh air. The air conditioning in the room was sufficient for temperature, but it would never compare to the breeze of nature itself. It was the little things like that that you had really come to miss. In some ways, having a room with a window seemed even more cruel than having none. It was a constant reminder of what you would most likely never be able have again. For as awful as this hellhole was, at least in that dark cell you weren't constantly tormented by what could have been. Gazing up at the sky while you walked, the scent of rain in the air came to your attention, as well as the sun having been blocked by a thick layer of clouds that stretched for as far as the eye could see. You wouldn't be surprised if the entire afternoon was overshadowed by a heavy downpour.Your attention was pulled away from the darkening sky as the sound of something small hitting the floor caught your attention.

You looked ahead of you to see Catherine crouching down to pick up a pen while muttering a soft "Oops." Just as her fingers grasped the cheap plastic pen, her you saw her folder slip from underneath her arm. Within seconds, all of the pages she was holding were scattered across the floor around her. She clicked her tongue, letting out a sarcastic "Typical poorly made foundation garbage..." under her breath. Before sitting down to gather up the escaping papers, the guard who had been walking behind you approached her to help, but she quickly batted his hand away as he reached for one of the sheets. "Back off, I can handle some stray papers without your help!" She snapped at him. She pointed towards the main building. "How about you do your job and get that door open?" she said to the guard, handing him her keycard.You couldn't help but chuckle as you watched this looming soldier quietly taking orders from this small looking woman with a furious temper. You hadn't even realised that you had stopped walking until the guard turned back to address you directly."Come on, lets-" He was cut off by Catherine as she shouted out for him to get on with opening the door. Seemingly startled by the sharp tone of her request, he ignored you in favour of following after the other guard who was already standing by the door. If you hadn't been in an enclosed area surrounded by ten-foot-tall walls lined with electric fencing, then you may have considered this a good opportunity for escape.

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