Forces beyond

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It's a funny thing, life. One minute you'll be pondering along without a care in the world. The next you'll sitting in a large room listening to strangers debate weather or not you should be forced to become the assistant of a dangerous entity. Well prahaps not for everyone but for you, this was reality. 049 had been completely correct when he suggested that you wouldn't get a choice if you helped him. The second the word got out you were being dragged off to some emergency board meeting. You had sat silently as what you assumed to be very high up foundation members discussed your fate. Dr Itkin sat next to you. He had reassured you that he would fight your corner but he hadn't said a word at the table yet.  A few different opinions were thrown around. One man argued that it was unethical to place you in direct contact with such a dangerous and unpredictable SCP. You agreed with this man but didn't say anything. Another man stated that you were originally a D-class member who had literally been donated to SCP-049 in the first place. A woman in a neat suit reminded him that you were no longer D-class as you had been found not guilty. You were thankful for hearing that being said but your gratitude quickly disapated at the man's come back. "And normally that would mean termination. Don't forget the only reason we kept her alive was because SCP-049 showed an unusual interest in her! The hope was that it would respond better to her because of this!" You watched as the man stood to his feet and began waving his arms as he spoke. "Clearly it paid off and now you consider throwing this opportunity out of the window?!" 

Your heart sunk as the room mumbled with what sounded like approval. You gave Dr Itkin a desperate look, silently pleaded with him to step in. He took note of your silent message and stood up. You watched as all eyes fell on him. "I personally supervised the interview between (Y/N) (L/N) and SCP-049 and I think allowing miss (Y/N) to act as SCP-049's assistant is a fine idea." You looked up at him in shock. He promised he'd help you. Within seconds your blood boiled with rage. That back stabbing prick lied to you. He wasn't interested in your well being, course he wasn't. They were all the same. All any of these people cared about was making progress. You felt stupid for trusting him. You listened bitterly as Dr Itkin finished his statement. "She displayed a natural ability when interviewing SCP-049 and made excellent progress even with such little time. I don't doubt that allowing her to work alongside this SCP will garner incredible results." Having finished he sat down and gave you a smile and nod. You gave him a withering look that he failed to notice. You listened to the positive responses that Dr Itkin's short speech gained and knew your fate was sealed. The sound of a loud voice calling your name pulled you out of your misery. 

You looked up to see the man at the head of the table staring at you, stony faced. "Sorry?" You said lightly. The man leaned on the desk and laced his fingers in front of him. Had the situation not been so dire, you probably would have sniggered at how crime boss like he appeared. Unfortunately, there was no humour to be found in this situation. "I asked if you approved of working with SCP-049?" You took a moment to choose your words. Of course you didn't approve but you knew that you couldn't say that. They weren't asking for your permission, it was just a formality. For their paperwork, you thought. You had been in a situation extremely similar to this one not so long ago. Despite your anger towards him, you looked to Dr Itkin for support. He gave you a discreet nod and you felt anger rise again. Of course he'd encourage you to say yes. "We don't have all day miss (L/N)." The table head groaned irritatedly. You gave a nod but the man looked down at some papers in distaste. "We need a verbal confirmation miss (Y/N)." He said coldly. "Ur...yes.." You said softly. The man seemed to be loosing his patients as he snapped. "Yes what?!" You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from losing it. This man was treating you like a kid and it was humiliating. You knew that he probably still saw you as a worthless D-class. You could understand the distaste for criminals but you weren't a criminal and he knew it. Begrudgingly you glared at him as you said. "I agree to work with SCP-049 as his- as its assistant. You hated having to correct yourself to call 049 an it. You may have been afraid of him but the thought of referring to him as an it didn't sit well with you. Despite how eerie he was, he had been so polite to you and it just felt rude. 

The plague doctors bride /SCP-049 X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now