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Angels can be wrong too

Two hours after her first meeting with Ji Yong in years, Dara made her way again to Seunghyun's office after one of his patients just left. The head doctor was on the phone talking to his wife.

"Take care on your way here ok? I'll have Minji meet you up the door", he told her.

Dara, waiting beside the door, knew immediately what Bom would answer. "I'm not disabled honey. Don't worry about me ok? I'll see you in a while. I love you."

"I know but don't blame me for being worried ok? I love you too", Seunghyun answered and dropped the call.

"Is Bom coming here?"

The head doctor nodded. "She heard we're packed with people right now and she wants to come by to help. I told her that she shouldn't be moving around a clinic in her condition but she's really stubborn and wouldn't listen to me at all. When I find out who told her about the situation, I'm going to squeeze the life out of him... or her."

Dara laughed at Seunghyun's expression. He is constantly worried about Bom since she announced her pregnancy and now that she's eight months into the cycle, he is absolutely in tenterhooks. "Bom is not going to endanger herself or your baby boy. She's a nurse. She knows this like the back of her hand."

"I know. I know but I still don't want her leaving the house and going off like this, it's already too delicate for her."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't stress herself", Dara assured him.

"Ok", Seunghyun answered and reached for the clip board of his next patient. "How's Ji doing?"

"No one wants to see him Seunghyun. The patients would much rather wait for you and Young Bae than be immediately entertained. We're more swamped with people now than before he came in."

"Why aren't the patients seeing him?"

"I told you already. The locals will not like it at all. Just now, Mrs. Chinggu is talking about him to the other patients and even the tourists don't want to see him."

"Then you have got to convince them to. He's a brilliant doctor Dara."

Uncharacteristically, she looked at him in suspicion. "We're talking about the guy who burned down the whole science lab while I was in high school. I doubt if I can convince them to trust him with their lives."

Seunghyun, looking like he already expected this, shook his shoulders and resignedly opened his cabinet to produce a folder. "That's Ji's record", he said as he handed it over to Dara, "He graduated as a Magna Cum Laude in West and then decided to take up Medicine. He served in the Iraqi and Afghan war as a Major and a doctor. He's been awarded two purple hearts for bravery in saving his WHOLE troop from an assault on their base a few months ago and for aiding fallen soldiers during the battle that ensued."

"Oh my God", Dara stammered as she sifted through Ji Yong's CV. Seunghyun, other than having Ji's CV, had also collected a number of articles in various on-line newspapers that commended his cousin's valiant efforts in the Middle East. There were letters as well from Seunghyun's friends in California who relegated to him heroic news of his cousin.

"He's a highly decorated military man with honors worthy of a hero's welcome Dara and he's a doctor far better than I am."

A tinge of red coloring her face again, Dara felt embarrassment creep up on her at the way she had talked to him a while ago. "I didn't know..."

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