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What do you pray for?

Bom began labor the morning right after Jay's arrival. Dara was immediately called in as the Choi couple was unable to make it to the main island because of the strong winds and Bom was already having contractions.

Panicking like a hen caught in the middle of the road, Dara had to slap the Clinic's Director before she was able to have her way in the delivery room.

"Get out!" Dara told the absolutely disgruntled Seunghyun "You're wife will safely deliver this baby and you going around this delivery room will disrupt that. So, get out!"

"But –"

"NO BUTS!" Dara almost screamed at him until the other Nurses uncertainly dragged the Director out.

"Dara!" Seunghyun admonished, using her first name which was a rarity in itself, solidifying the fact that he's really worried. He was giving the nurses an absolutely hard time taking him out.

"OUT!" she replied to him, though, her ring finger pointing towards the door as Bom held back a scream with another contraction. "You won't be able to do anything here so please Seunghyun, get out and let us handle this."

She knew his fear but she knew Bom as well. Her friend was as strong as a mule and she was going to get through this.

"Calm down" Dara heard the pregnant woman urge her husband softly from the bed "You're panicking and I need you."

"I – I'm not panicking" Seunghyun answered tightly and looked at his wife "I'm sorry."

Bom managed a small smile as her color turned paler "Don't be sorry. I understand and – I love you."

"All right" Ji, who had just come in in his scrub suit pulled a face at the exchange "Hyung, you can wait outside."

He was the only day-shift doctor available as Young Bae had been called out for an emergency in one of the resorts and Daesung was treating another patient in the next operating room. It had been an awkward 15 seconds when Dara came in to his office but worry for the woman in delivery put itself ahead of anything they needed to talk about.

Seunghyun run his fingers over his hair again "Everything that you can possibly need is already here. I made sure. There's the delivery pack and the equipment for a Caesarean section, if you need it."

"That equipment isn't going to be necessary" Ji said calmly, washing his hands "Bom, I'm going to take a look and see what's happening. Hyung, please go outside now."

Seunghyun's jaw tightened further "I'm not leaving her."

Ji inhaled deeply and let the water stream through his hands "Hyung, leave the room now. All this drama is giving me a headache."


Ji dried his hands and pulled on the gloves that Dara handed to him "I can't concentrate with you hovering around, ready to pull out your wife anytime."

"What do you know about delivering babies? You were in the military."

"I'm full of surprises" Ji turned away from Seunghyun and faced Bom with a gentle smile "The problem is no one on this island trusts me."

"I trust you" Bom told him with a wan smile before another contraction took hold of her.

"I think the baby's coming" Dara muttered as one of the nurses came in with the delivery pack.

"Open it" Ji ordered brusquely "NursePark and I are already wearing sterile gloves."

"Bom..." Seunghyun was walking towards his wife.

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