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Why did I fall in love with you?

Ji knew there was no escaping this moment.

He didn't want to talk with her about this because he wasn't sure how his heart was going to take it.

"Are you going to be free tonight?" she asked now as they found themselves all alone in the changing room – pulling out both of their scrub suits.

"I'm not sure" he answered.

"Not sure?"

"Young Bae's asking me to go out as well." He laced his voice with ice, hoping she could take the hint and just go out. He didn't want to have to flesh out the details.

Her eyes were scrutinizing the scrub suit in front of her like it was under a microscope, trying not to look at him. "Oh... I thought..."

"This thing between us..." he began, the most difficult thing he would have to do "it has to end now Dara. Do you understand?"

She didn't answer and Ji found himself closing his hand on her shoulder and spinning her around to face him. "Do you understand Dara?" he asked her again.

Looking like a broken figure in the middle of a tragedy, Ji wanted to kiss all the sadness in her eyes away but steeled himself from doing so – it wasn't going to be right for the both of them. Not for him and most definitely not for her.

"Yes" she croaked in the midst of the upheaval he was sure she was feeling "I – I understand Ji. We – We've been together for more than a week already. I guess that's already a record for you. Don't – Don't feel guilty. We had a great time. I had a great time."

She gave him a tremulous smile and he gritted his teeth to control himself. "Don't cry."

"I'm not going to cry" she told him fiercely as he watched the Mother Hen get back its bearings.

"We never should have started this" he told her as his hands continued to press on her arms "I NEVER SHOULD HAVE STARTED THIS."

"You didn't. I did" she answered "And Ji... you're hurting me."

"Sorry" he released her instantly and let out a breath "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to look so tormented" she told him, making him feel like a prick all the more "You never promised me anything. It was all just fun."

"It would be more fun if the locals find out about this and you have your boyfriend with you now" he told her acidly, turning away from her.

"I thought you didn't care about what people thought of you."

"I don't care what they say about me but I do care about what they say about you" he replied "I saw your face Dara. Just a minute ago, you watched Seunghyun and Bom and you wanted what they have."

"Of course I want it" she answered "Everybody wants a family of their own to love. Isn't that the truth?"

He let his hands drop to his sides and breathed in as much air as he can "I can't do this."

Dara walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulders "Is this really about Seunghyun and Bom? Or is this about Jay? Talk to me Ji. I know something's upsetting you and I'm not sure what it is but can we please talk about it?"

He took her hand and let it drop back towards her. "People are already talking Dara. You heard them all last night."

"And so?"

"You're not someone made for that" he told her firmly "When they caught us in the beach you panicked."

"Of course" she answered "I was in my underwear."

"It's not just that Dara. You're not the type that people should be talking about in grocers, in bathrooms, during get-togethers – you're... you wouldn't be able to handle it."

"What are you trying to say?"

"You deserve to be with a man you wouldn't be ashamed of. Someone you can introduce to people and not feel any backlash or start thinking whether they're talking about you behind your back."

"I am not ashamed of you. You're a good man and you're even a hero. You've done so much for the people of this island already –"

"But that still doesn't change the fact that in this island – I AM MY FATHER'S SON. I'm the kid who burned the high school's science lab, the one who went out with a dozen different girls who could claim they carried either my son or daughter and I wouldn't be able to deny it effectively. I'm not that guy for you."

"But you're a different man now. You and I both know that" she pleaded.

"That's not the case for everyone" he told her "And besides... you're not comfortable being under the public eye. I seem to thrive in it."

Clearly confused, she tried to catch his eye "Are those really the reasons you're ending this? Because of what people might think of me?"

He looked at her and summoned all of his guts to really end this. He'd been up all night thinking about it and this was the only solution he arrived at – this all had to end.

"Tell me... haven't you ever dreamed of finding the right man? Marrying him? And raising your children here in Jeju?"

Incurably honest, Dara nodded "I've dreamed of that, of course, but –"

"Of course you have and you deserve that" he cut in "And you'll be a great mother."

Without giving her too much of a chance to rebut that, he took her in his arms again and kissed her softly. "I guess I just had to be bad one last time" he told her and stepped away from her towards the door "Now... go to your Prince Charming and be happy. You're not going to be that if you're with me."


Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone who is reading this here on wattpad and reading this for the very first time.

Thank you. Truly.

Also... I know. I know.

These five chapters are a roller coaster and probably not really what anyone of you came in expecting to read. Haha. I hope you still enjoyed all of it though and for all our sakes, hold on to whatever you have in the next set of updates.

They could hurt. *hug*

- Mai

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