Chapt. 9: I miss You

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Sakura stopped walking and looked at the person who was standing under the lamp post. The person was wearing a black hoodie that has a print saying that "Love me" and jeans with a bullcap with a white sneakers.

Sakura misses that person so much but she hate that person at the same time. She didn't reply on my text and now she show up like nothing happened, like she didn't make me worried. Sakura whispered to herself.

Sakura walked towards her apartment direction and she never go to the person who was still standing in the lamp post. But Sakura can't bear to ignored that person. So she stop walking and look back towards the light post direction but no one is standing there anymore.

"Where did she go?" Sakura asked herself loundly and she was surprised to hear that someone speak behind her.

"Are you mad at me?" Sakura is now facing that person and look at her directly to her eyes.

"What do you think?" Sakura said coldly.

"I think yes". The person answered her with a soft voice and Sakura just sigh because that voice make her weak.

" Why you're absent? why your not answering my call, even my text. You don't know how worried I am because I though that something bad happened to you." Sakura was frustrated.

"I'm sorry, I got busy this few days." The person explained to Sakura.

"Busy... even say hello to the text, you can't do that? How busy are you? Sakura burst out. Sakura don't care if she act like a girlfriend who was scolding her partner.

"I'm sorry, I'm thinking for something this few day."

"You're going to school tomorrow?" Sakura asked. The person just nod to Sakura. Sakura can't bear to get mad to that person. She instantly hug the person in front of her.

"I really miss you Jjaeyeon." Sakura said while hugging Chaeyeon tightly.

"I also miss you Saku-chan." Chaeyeon answer back. Chaeyeon is now hugging Sakura and Sakura's face is in Chaeyeon's neck. The two was now seperated, Chaeyeon loosen her hug to sakura.

"What time is it?" Chaeyeon suddenly asked. Sakura was dissapointed because she though that Chaeyeon was leaving already.

"7:00 pm" Sakura answered with a low voice.

"Why your so sad?" Chaeyeon asked worriedly..

"You leaving already?" Sakura changed the topic.

"Why? you want me to leave already?" Chaeyeon asked her back. Sakura just shake her head.

"Come to me... it's still early, we should go to the park near here, I heard that the street food there is delicious". Chaeyeon excitedly said and hold Sakura's hand. Chaeyeon pulled Sakura and just like that Sakura come with Chaeyeon without any hesitation or complained.

The two was now in the bench park eating a street food that they buy.

"How are you?" Chaeyeon asked Sakura.

"I'm ok, how about you? I texted you but you never replied to my text."Sakura complained.

"This past few days, I've been so busy that I forget to open my phone." Chaeyeon explain to Sakura, Sakura just nod. She believe on what Chaeyeon say to her. The two become silent, they watching some people who was still in the park, some are walking, and other are jogging. Chaeyeon noticed that Sakura was frozen and feeling cold because of the
strong blows of wind. Chaeyeon had no jacket to lend to Sakura.

"You feel cold?" Chaeyeon worriedly asked her. Sakura nod while caressing her shoulder to her hands for body heat. Chaeyeon stood up and sat down next to Sakura without leaving any gap. Chaeyeon put her hands to Sakura's shoulder. .

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