Chapt 5: The begining of Love

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That night Sakura did not sleep well, she still thinks what happened to them in the school ground. Sakura was thinking on how she will deal the awkwardness between her and Chaeyeon tomorrow. "Arggg... stop!!.
stop thinking that kiss, it's just accident." Sakura shout for frustration...  She immediately cover her mouth when she realized that she is not the only one who lived in this apartment. Nako and Hitomi are in other room, sleeping. The incident still vividly in her mind and that makes her more frustrated. 


When their lips touch Chaeyeon's eyes widened because of shock and she couldn't move because Sakura's body is on top of her. Their eyes met and no one tried to move. Sakura's heart, beats so fast like she join in marathon. The place is so silent, the sound that you hear is only fireflies and insects, along with the sound of their heart. It seems like you're just watching a telanovela. 30 seconds.. 30 seconds ago when their lips touch but their are sayings that "everything has end". The two woke up and back to their sense when the cat roar loudly. Sakura immediately stood up from the top of Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon also stood up and clean her clothes. The atmosphere is very awkward and no one dare to speak. Sakura slowly look to Chaeyeon' eye and she gulp when Chae is also looking to her.

"I-I'm s-sorry Jjaeyeon." Sakura apologized while stammering.

"It's okey, it's just accident.. You don't need to apologized." Chaeyeon replied and it became silent again. Sakura don't know what she say anymore, she feel embarrassed and Chaeyeon notice that. So she change the topic so that Kura will not unconfortable.

"So Saku-chan, lets go.. it's already 8:30 pm." Sakura just nod and they began to walk. They walked quietly into the bus station.

"Where do you live Saku-chan?" Chaeyeon suddenly asked. Sakura tell her address to Chaeyeon and Chaeyeon just nod. Chaeyeon ask. The two sit in the waiting area of bus and after minute of waiting the bus is arrived. The two immediately ride the bus. While on the bus no one dared to talked. Kura is busy watching outside the window while Chaeyeon busy to her phone. 30 minutes of trip, the two arrived to Sakura's place. Sakura get out to the bus first while Chaeyeon following Sakura. Sakura was confused why Chaeyeon get off on the bus when her place is still far.

" Why you get off on the bus, your place still far?" Sakura ask confusely.

"Don't mind me, I'll walked you home." Chaeyeon answered.

"You don't need to do that, I'll be fine. how about you? You know that it's hard to wait for another bus here." Sakura answered with concern tone. But Chaeyeon don't listened to her.

"Where's your apartment?" Chaeyeon ask while looking around. Sakura just sigh and accept that she can when over this girl. She point out where her apartment located. They began to walked to Sakura's apartment.

"How do you know that I lived in apartment?" Sakura ask.

" Minju" Chaeyeon answered shortly. Sakura just nod. She said that to minju yesterday when they share about theirself, so that minju know them.

At last they finally here in front of Kura's apartment.

"Ah.. Jjaeyeon I'm going now, thank you for waiting me and teaching me the step. Also for walking me home." Sakura sincerly said. Chaeyeon just smile.

"No problem, go to your apartment room.. it's late already bye".. Chaeyeon said. Sakura nod and bid her goodbye.
Sakura enter inside the apartment lounge and the guard greated her while Chaeyeon go to the waiting area.
After a minute of  waiting, a red mercedes-benz stop in her front. The driver of a car get off to the car and open the door for her. Chaeyeon got into the backseat of the car and the driver closed the door.

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