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Tomaru's POV.

I decended down the dark alley way as it hit 4am it was very cold outside i had gotten texts from everyone.But i just wanted to focus on getting to my room.Soon a cloth was pressed over my nose my heart beat sped up and my eyes widened.I imedietly tryed to disintagrate them but by the time i did they where gone."Pussy.." i phanted as i made my way quickly home my head pounding and my heart racing.I slammed the door open everyone looked worried and upset soon barging me with questions.

Dabi's POV.

Damn it..I should have gone with him..Its 4 in the fucking morning he better be okay.I checked my phone once more


Dabi:Oi its 1 in the morning where are you??

Dabi:Its fucking 2:13! Get back!

Dabi:Did i do something???come on man its 3:27


The door swung open he was phanting and sweating his face red his eyes bulging in his head."Tomaru what the hell are you okay!?" We all screetched in unision.He fell to the floor we all rushed over "Please talk to us chapped lips!" His mouth cracked open."Dabi.." he looked up his eyes..they were his usual red but..they-they were glowing! His hand caressed my jaw and went into my hair i leaned down."Man...cloth..alley way..love.." is all he got out before he coughed.I picked his thin body up and carried him to his room laying him down.He was phanting i removed his shirt and started phanning him he smiled lightly.He tugged my shirt making me fall onto his bed he crawled onto my bed."Tomaru your acting really stra-" he placed his gloved finger over my lips and sat himself onto my lap.My eyes widened in suprise he then spoke "Close your eyes" i confused looked at his face "What? Why-" he glared and i shut my eyes.I heard a click i opened my eyes to see a metal cuff around my wrist "What the fuck!" He yanked it around one of the bars on my bed clicking it around the other.I growled "Tomaru i know you are in there asshole wake up!" He hissed grinding on me.I choked biting my lip this was so messed up but i..ugh i couldnt look away.He grinded on me once again "T-Tomaru wake up!-Fuck! Wake up!" He licked his bottom lip kissing along my jaw line."SHIGARAKI!" I felt his body go stiff "Wake..up.." i got out between breaths "What did i- holy shit.." he looked up.

Tomaru's POV.

"SHIGARAKI!" I opened my eyes Dabi! I was sitting on something?no.someone i jolted up and saw Dabi's face flushed the corner of his shirt up uncovering his hip.His hands where handcuffed above his head! I went red "What happened!?" I asked "You came home saying something about a man a cloth and the alleyway! Then i took you into your room to get you rest then you were phanting so i took off your shirt and started phanning you then you told me to close my eyes then did this!".I went redder as i felt something poking my ass i looked around and my head snapped to Dabi's face he was looking away his face more flushed he was biting his bottom lip."I-You where grinding on me-so i..i couldnt help it." I went redder.I grinded on him and he let out a low groan "Fuck what are you doing to me.." he whispered as i felt his hard on poke me more."Your enjoying this!?" I screetched "I have a hot fucking bitch on my dick of course i'd be enjoying this! Anyone would enjoy this asshole!" He yelled i went redder.I grinded lowly "Fuck take the cuffs off.." he growled "Why?" i asked his eyes glowing their usual blue."So i can fuck your brains out." I went redder he thrust up knocking me onto him his teeth sank into my neck."Mng!" I whimpered my hands tightly gripped the head board as he marked me.I got up grinding on him playing with my nippples "Mng!" I moaned as i looked at him he growled.I touched all over my chest teasing him he bit his lip harshly "Get.the.keys." i blushed getting off i pulled the keys out my back pocket.And dangled them in his face snickering I put the on the table beside him.I pulled up his shirt kissing all over his body my tounge softly trailing over his staples/peircings.He grunted as i kissed his V-line,I blushed starting too unbuckle his belt getting his jeans and boxers off.I blushed he was really big..i took of the rest of my clothes.His dick lightly rubbing together with mine and i put my fingers in my mouth.Soon circling my hole i moaned "fuck.." i soon slid one finger into myself.Soon i stablized myself on his chest fingering myself,I looked toward Dabi and he looked desperatly at my body eye fucking me.I grabbed his hips slowly letting his tip press agaisnt my hole stopping him from bucking his hips."Fuck..." he groaned in frustration "Last 5 seconds and i'll uncuff you" he looked at me nodding desperately.I grinded my enterance along his base "1" i counted i placed his cock at the perfect direction grinning."Fuck me Dabi!" I yelled mockingly he bit his lip harder "2" i smirked fingering my hole moaning "Oh...fuck please" i moaned grinning.I moaned stretching my fingers i let my guard down imedietly "oh god..im not joking..Mn! Please fuck me up!" I moaned out looking at him my eyes desperately pleading "3" i blushed grinding onto him kissing up his neck."4" i bit his skin lightly i moaned out desperately as he restrained "Fuck!" He yelled fists clenched.I grabbed the keys uncuffing him his hands slammed onto my hips "5!!" I yelled as he rammed into me hitting my prostate i screamed out cumming as he came inside me i cryed tears of pleasure.He flipped me over him dominantly above me fucking his cum inside me.I phanted as he rode out our orgasm i heard a click my eyes widened as he cuffed my to the bed.He lined up ramming into me my head whipping back a loud moan escaping my mouth,as he leaned down tugging on my ear lobe

"Oh your fucked now."

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