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Dabi's POV.

Cracked lips has been acting really weird recently and I can tell everyone else has noticed too.He looks.. paler? Than usual and he wont get close to us, he stays in his room more than usual it is effecting our plans and upcoming attack to UA.

Shigaraki's POV.

I fumbled into the bathroom cupping my mouth, that was so close Toga came right at me and I dont know what to do.These stupid feelings I have wont go away and this disease is getting worse,i pull back my hoodie to see blue vines climbing my face and sky blue flowers blooming.I feel a rupture in my throat and i start to choke i tighten my hand into a fist and ram it roughly into my stomoch.The flowers cover the sink with the blood covering them, "Why do these flowers bloom so beautifully from my pain.Its disgusting." I gripped onto the sink and looked in the mirror seeing my face I'd grown to hate.I start to wash up and clean the sink splashing my face with water, my throat swells and my eyes bulge at the loud noise of the bathroom door swinging open.

I quickly pulled up my hood that covered my face glaring at the person who opened the door.

"What do you want Dabi?"I growled in irritation,"The team want to talk to you in the living room and Kurogiri can even make us all some drinks hopefully.Look you've been acting really weird and its effecting the team so just come out when you can I guess." He walked out and as soon as the door shut I fell to the floor.

Gripping my throat that was littered with scars from scratching due to the pain of the disease.My feelings for Dabi were unclear to me but not unknown because of this stupid disease.I shouldnt have fallen for him,hes a worker not a companion.

I could feel my eyes blurring as I felt my stomoch jerk and churn, and before my eyes closed I hear the bathroom door open again.

It's cold.. really cold..yet comforting? I felt calm and okay, my throat no longer hurt.Am I dead? Everything is white..

My eyes snapped open frantically looking around at my surroundings I could see a hospital room, the window was open casting a draft into the room.

I felt my throat and face, "they are still there.."I thought out loud, I jolted hearing the hospital door open and my 'gang' flood into the room.All of them crowding around the bed and bombarding me with questions."That's enough!"I yelled and the room went silent.I scanned everyone around my bedside "wheres Dabi?"I asked Toga looked down."Hes the one who found you and hes uh.. not been okay since."she informed."Since? How long have I been here?"I asked confused

"You've been here for 4 days.." she stated my eyes widened in shock and they only grew wider as the door swung open to see the man himself.

"What you did was stupid and reckless.You could have died!? And you just lied to us and didnt even tell us we are a league!" He yelled.

Everyone went to open their mouths but I shot them a look "Well what was I suppost to say? Its not exactly easy to tell your followers that your dying from  a weak man's illness." He glared at me.

"Well?"he asked crossing his arms looking out the window angrily "well what?"I asked irrigated."Whos the girl!!" Toag asked and the league turned to me waiting.

"Who said it was a girl?"Dabi questioned and they turned to him then me "well? Is it a boy or a girl?"Toga asked.

"Why on earth should I tell any of you.Id rather die than ruin my reputation." I defended "Well that's stupid!"Dabi yelled.I gritted my teeth "Why do you want to know so bad!" I yelled he stayed silent."its a guy."I growled and everyone turned to me "who!"they all yelled "Shut up!!"I screamed "get out!"they jamp up and scattered to get out the room.

Dabi stayed in the room "what do you want now?"I growled "your going to die if you dont confess to them and your going to let everybody down.Its going to be all your fault and if you are that selfish then fine.im out of here."

I felt a sense of anxiety and urge rush through me seeing him walk to the door as it slowed down as his hand touched the door my mouth acted before my brain could."Its you."

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth he turned to me "what?"he asked I gripped my sleeve."Its..its you."I repeated feeling shame wash over me, his steps became quick as he came to my bedside.He sat down next to me and grabbed my hand,my eyes kept from his hand interlocking with mine to his face."What are yo-" he cut me off "is what you said true?"he asked my jaw locked and I slowly nodded dropping my head which he picked up with his hand.

"Look I get it.just get out I domt want to hear you try to spare these disgusting feelings I have.Get out!! Just-"

My words were cut off by a kiss my eyes almost fell out my head as I felt his warm hand cup my vined cheek.My body stiff not being able to process it but soon my eyes felt heavy and closed.My weak hand came up to run through the side of his hair massaging his head softly.

He pulled away slowly "I don't think its disgusting" he said as I gasped for air It'd never felt so good to breath and so much oxygen filled my lungs.

My throat not being able to comprehend words my body moved forward encasing him into another sweet kiss.Everytjung was going to be alright now.

Author's Note:

Thank you angeliikaunicorn
For the request I hope you enjoy!❤

Thank you to everyone for your patience and support it means the world!💓

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