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Dabi's POV.

Me and my brother reached the heavy built wooden doors that ached open to reveal the familiar meeting table.Chapped lips sat at the far end of the table and Twice and Toga occupied the seats next to him."take a seat." Chappee lips demanded so me and Shoto did and I sat next to Toga as my brother sat across from me."Its been a while Shoto" Tomura exclaimed with an eyebrow raise."I appologise sir getting away from those limp brains is suprisinly difficult" Chapped lips nodded in understanding."Cut the shit scar lips why are we here?" I asked huffing out in annoyance.

"We will be going on a mission to infiltrate All Mights 'man of courage ball' we all need a date and outfits.Its a Halloween theme so we should blend in nicely it's a public ball so anyone can attend.Shoto you will take our sponsor Yaoyorozu" my brother nodded in acknowledgment."I dibs on Twice!" Toga giggled maniacally I turned to face Tomura as he did the same our eyes locked in hatred as we realised we'd have to go together.

"You will all need to get your outfits and learn to dance" he ordered and we all rose getting ready to leave."Scar arms wait back" he ordered.I groaned sitting back down "I have set some dance lessons for us in 5 minutes so we need to go fast" I groaned following him out the back into a fake plated car.We soon arrived in an alley going through the back door into the hall.A woman stood pim and proper in perfection, "Goodevening lovers" she started and I felt myself and saw cracked lips stiffen in posture."We arent-" she clapped her hands cutting me off,I glared but she didnt seem fazed "we have alot to get through so listen closely!" She called and a man came in.She gave her music box a quick delicate yet harsh kick as the romantic music played.She pulled her partner against her roughly and very close as she dances in a square moving slightly each time to expand it."Now repeat" she demanded I turned to Tomura giving him a frazzled look he returned.I grabbed his gloved hand and hovered my arm over his waist, surprisingly it was really small like a petite girls.He glared up at me "I'm leading." He ordered "I dont think so." I returned his glare.

"The tallest leads" the woman chimed in I smirked down at him as he growled slightly reaching his hand up to my shoulder.I tryed to step and stepped on his foot.

"No no no! You look like stiff Boards!" She yelled and walked over "you must be close to your lover"she explained.Soon pushing Tomura into me his head on my shoulder I stiffened up slightly not used to feeling this contact especially with my boss.

"Now relax and take a step to the left with your left foot" she explained we both took a deep breath and stepped out.

Soon after a while she was smiling and cheering at us, it felt so strange having him this close to me.

"Now we move onto the slow dance" she announced we both slumped groaning."no no! It's easy!"

Soon she placed Chapped lips hands around my neck and my hand around his waist."Grab his waist your hands look like dead fish!" I growled grabbing his waist I heard him choke quietly."put you head on his shoulder." She demanded and Tomura put his head on my shoulder."now just sway to the music! And enjoy your lovers eyes,voice and touch!" Tomura's head jerked up as the woman and man started to slow dance.

But my eyes met Tomuras, his ruby red eyes that usually were filled with anger and hatred looked oddly calm?was he enjoying this? Why do I care?
"This is stupid."I smirked and he rolled his eyes at me boringly.

"So what's the plan for this mission?" I asked "Well All Might will be making an appearance at the grand finale of the ball and that's when we attack"

I nodded in understanding, before we knew it the music turned off and we turned to the box seeing the woman "your ready." We nodded and left soon.

My chest and shoulder felt oddly cold? Like I needed that warmth somehow, we going back inside and saw Toga and Twice falling over the couch with a YouTube video of how to dance playing.

"That looked shit."I smirked "Oh yeah!? Show us your waltz then lotion team!"toga yelped.

Me and Tomura assumed the position our jackets flapping and curving around us as we waltzed past them perfectly.I smirked "Your shit." I repeated and we let go as Twice and Toga huffed in defeat and shock.

I walked into my room feeling pretty cocky and took off my jacket getting into bed if we were doing this mission I didn't want to be tired as shit.

My eyes snapped open hearing a know at the door?"Who the fuck is knocking at my door at-" I turned to my phone "5AM." I yelled.

It creaked open and I saw chapped lips in the doorway I groaned "Can we run over it again?" He asked with his arms folded.

I drug myself out of bed I only had a pair of sweats on so I walked over and followed him to the kitchen.

We going into the cold room my feet burning from the coldness of the floor and I nodded as we stepped close.

My hand caressed his slowly and he pulled his hand back lightly i more firmly grasped it.Pulling him as close as I could and was started to dance.

My mind was blank I couldnt stop my eyes were in a trance from his ruby eyes and he seems captivated in mine.

We seemed to dance forever I smiled softly and secretly, he pulled me in closer and-"Hey chapstick neederrrss" we jamp appart and started at the door to see Toga and Twice.

What just happened?

Authors note!

Thank you so much for supporting me and showing me love it really means alot I will post a part 2 very soon! If you have suggestions please leave them below! Dont be shyy💋

I hope you all enjoy this little chapter :)

Ps.10K VEIWS? AND 190☆ WHAT? thank you all so much!😍🙏

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