Chapter 25 - Giving up is not an option.

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A few days passed and I started getting moody again. Marcus realized and asked Grandma was comprehensive, declaring:

_ I know you have been wonderful and we just want her happiness, but skating is important to Sophia as much as breathing. Please note that this is good for her. Do not you realize that is destroying your dreams?

Half an hour later, Grandma called me to talk and apologized, saying that even though I was all right. She rectified:

_ No, my dear, is not. Marcus showed me how much I was unjust and selfish. All I did was choke your dreams. I will allow her return to skating.

_ Thank you, Grandma! But are you sure of that? I understand the reasons.

_ Yes, I have my good!

We hugged and filled it with kisses. I decided to not wait a minute more and I give good news to Regina. I straightened myself and minutes later I was in the Pauline Skating Club, a pity she welcomed me with suspicion, I noticed certain indecision in his words. She seemed to ask herself whether to give me another chance. Regina then took a deep breath and was clear:

_ "Some skaters learn to skate before they learn to walk." I used this metaphor for you to understand that it takes dedication, charisma, time and passion. Are you willing to do whatever I say without question my orders? What assures me that you will not give up again?

_ I know you have every reason to be suspicious. I should not have given up, but these twelve years my choices have never been easy. Being a skater has become the most important thing. It's a dream come true plan and do not know if I can without your help.

_ If you show me what is actually willing to fight their battles, invest my time in their training. Sophia, to become a good skater you need to know how to fall, get up and try again.

Do not forget that the skating walks between art and sport, being a mixture of the two. Art for harmony of movement, lightness and interpretation. And sport by the dynamism, explosion, power the athlete should have. Who patina must understand that both go together in the same direction and there will be no chance for success. I can turn it into a winning, as long as you do everything I say. I will not ask again, then you are really willing to commit, Sophia?

Without hesitation, reaffirmed:

_ Being a great skater is all that I want most in the world, there is nothing compared to this. I will do everything possible to not disappoint her.  

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