Mission 1

26 1 0

They were assigned to protect a bridge that connected defiant territory and Noble territory. A force was coming and they were picked to defeat and stop the force. So Magoo set up traps while Liggan and Meech waited in the bushes ready to ambush. Magoo hid in the trees, bow ready. When the first round of attackers came the ring of fire trap blocking the path to the bridge was activated, killing two people. Then various snares and mines slowed the enemy down a bit and when they crossed the bridge Magoo started shooting arrows from the trees. When they saw him, they charged forward. And when they passed where Meech and Liggan were, Meech and Liggan ambushed them. Magoo rained down arrows while Meech and Liggan cut down the enemy with Liggan's spinning sword and Meech's flying fists. The enemy was down in no time. Their first assignment has been completed.

-To be continued.....

Mah Meechحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن