New Abilities

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With their earned money of 10,000 gold, they decided to buy new abilities. Liggan got an ability called sword spin, where he would equip a sword about 5 feet long and spin around 50mph killing everything within his sword reach. Meech got an ability where he raises his staff and lightning strikes up to five different enemies that are closest to him. Magoo's ability was his quiver would be filled with swords that he could shoot. Magoo also got a magic quiver that would never run out of arrows. But abilities run out after five minutes so he can't have unlimited shooting swords. With their new abilities they decided to go on a quest called decimate the swarm. In this quest you are supposed to kill at least 50 fire spirits in Sterling Hills.

They approached the first horde of twenty five. They tried out their abilities, Meech taking out ten, Liggan 8, and Magoo 7. As they approached a horde of ten, Magoo said, "I got this." And took ten swords out of his quiver and shot them all at once. Destroying all ten. The on the last horde of 15. Meech took out five and Liggan spun his sword through the remaining ten fire spirits. The quest awarded them enough experience to level up to level 10 and gave 100 gold nuggets.

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