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When they got back to The Noble kingdom, they were rewarded by the king, King Derp. They were awarded by the king, 250 gold nuggets. They split it and Meech got a staff so he can finally use magic instead of using martial meech. Magoo got lighter and stronger armor and a new holster for his arrows. Liggan got a new 3 1/2 foot sword and a holster for it that he put on his back. They got orders to lead an assault on the east side of The Defiant Kingdom and take control of the territory there. After they got a good nights rest, they set out on horseback and Meech using flying magic to defiant territory. Every 10 minutes or so when they got close that they battled a sentry. Magoo led the archers through the trees and Meech and Liggan led the mages and swordsmen through the woods. They all meet right outside the Gate, carefully hidden in the bushes and trees. Meech held up three fingers. 3 2 1.. There was gasps from the guards as an arrow came down and took one of them out. When the guards knelt down, is when we charged, the archers shooting arrow, swordsmen slashing opponents, and Meech and the mages shooting lightning, then fireball, then lightning. By the time the battle was over, we only had one semi fatal injury that all the mages combined could heal. The other soldiers stayed but Meech, Liggan, and Magoo went back to claim the reward. It was 5,000 gold nuggets. Holy Meech

Mah Meechحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن