Ligan saves the day

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Liggan was walking in werptown when he saw a girl get cornered in the alleyway. They were closing in on her, and he had to move quick. Ligan moved and picked one guy up and threw him at the other guy and they both hit the wall. One guy was unconscious and the other was injured. When the guy tried to fight Ligan jumped off the wall and roundhouse kicked him. What the two guys were going to do Ligan did not know, but he knew he had to save her. As Ligan started to leave, the girl came up to him and grabbed his arm. She said she would treat him to dinner as gratitude for saving her. They found themselves in Derptown Bar and Grill, eating fried leech. The girl said,"Shank you for saving my butt."

"No trouble." Ligan said.

"Did. I catch your name?" She asked.


"Oh, my name is Tracy." When Ligan was about to leave she grabbed his hand,"May I get your phone number?"

"No. You suck, Ligan said." Just kidding he really said,"Sure."

Ligan thought about the girl and realized she was kind've pretty.

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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