Chapter one: The Death of a Queen, and Birth of a Hero

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This is a tale of despair and treachery, the faint of heart shouldn't partake in the reading of this story, but if you are, or rather think you are, strong enough, go ahead no one is stopping you. Our story takes place in the once wonderful city of Dunwall. Although now most of the city is quarantined due to the ongoing plague. Though our hero Corvo is proud to call this place home, and place of employment. For he is the lord protector. Burdened, but privileged with the task of protecting her majesty the high empress Matilda, and her daughter Emily Matilda.

Corvo has jut returned from a foreign trades discussion in place of her majesty, for she has too many troubles to deal with on the home front than dealing with trade. So Corvo has returned and little Emily pokes her head out from behind one of the tall quartz pillars.

"Corvo!" She shouted ecstatically, "you're back!"

"That I am miss Emily," said Corvo with a bow, "I simply must speak with your mother, it's urgent." he says with a smile. Emily frowns and points to the lookout.

"She's up there talking to the spy master, but promise to play with me later okay?" She says with puppy dog eyes.

"I promise," Corvo says with a smirk. He struts to the overlook with pride, for  had struck a deal with the neighboring city, years worth of whale oil for a couple of old whale bones covered in gibberish writing, what a filch right? Corvo stops in his tracks when he hears the empress yelling.

"You bastard! You said you had it covered!" She cried, "get out of my sight!" The spy master hurriedly ran off the overlook clutching his papers like a child who had been scolded for failing his school work. Corvo approached the empress with full confidence in his recent trading triumph.

"My majesty," Corvo said projecting his voice formally, "I have returned from-"

"Come off it Corvo," the empress interrupted sarcastically with a half smile peeking from behind her fan, "what news do you bring?" Corvo hands her the letter he received from the trade post. The queen accepted the letter and turned to look at the city below.

"The city is going Corvo," she said "soon only the wealthy will have survived, avoiding the plague in their overlooks watching the world fall to its knees." She turns and lowers her head, "what am I going to do?" She whimpered, clutching her fist crushing the letter it clasped, and fracturing the wax seal which fell to the ground. Corvo grabbed her hand and whispered, "we're going to fix it." He strains tears, he can't stand seeing his queen so troubled.

Emily can be seen running up to her mother from the steps that lead to the river, but for some odd reason sh stops in her tracks. She clasps her hand over her mouth in horror at what she sees. A man in a black cloak sitting atop the quartz pillars wearing a mask. He then vanishes and reappeared right in front of Corvo. Corvo then draws his rapier and his pistol to thwart off the attacker. He has rarely ever had to produce his weapons in front of the empress let alone her daughter. But this was an attack on their lives, he wished in his heart that they didn't have to witness the darkest part of t produce he billet they signed him on, he swung his rapier straight and true. Though the mysterious man vanished, out of thin air yet again. Reappearing this time behind the empress and sliding his gleaming blade across her throat. The blood poured dark, not the bright red when you get a paper cut, but almost like black tar pouring from the throat of our great empress. And the man was gone. Along with Emily, obviously the city watch on duty had hearted the commotion and rushed me. What they saw was me, clutching onto the lifeless, bloodstained body of our ruler.

"He... killed her...HE KILLED HER!" screamed a member of the watch. they apprehended him, and now he sits in Coleridge Prison, Awaiting execution. He often sits and wonders if he had imagined the whole incident and killed the princess in delusional madness.

"Hey traitor you got a package," a voice bellowed through then long corridor, "be happy you got at least one friend," he snickered. Corvo grabs the tray and devours the cake in very few bites. As he was wiping the remnant of sticky crumbs from his whisker ridden face and looked to the tray to find there had been a letter hidden underneath the cake.

"A letter?" Corvo uttered under his breath, the dead men weren't allowed contact with anyone except the guards, dead men being the men to be executed.

"Well I hope its uplifting to say the least" Corvo whispered as he took the letter from the note.

Dearest Corvo

You are needed greatly in this time of darkness. The dark ones draw ever closer to taking over the city . In the envelope you retrieved this letter from there is a key to your cell. Make haste to the sewers, you will meet a man named Samuel, he will give you your weapons and clothes.

- a friend -

Corvo sat in disbelief of what he just read. There it was, a way out of this hell and a way to find Emily and avenge his empress. He was reluctant at first to slide the brass key into the rusted barred cage lock, but he realized that he was the grand protector and this was his duty, no matter the circumstances. He silently turned the key until he heard the tumbler click, the sound was hollowed and echoed just loud enough to jostle the watch member from his nap. He pulled out his sword and jokingly swung as if he was striking a potential fugitive. He lay the sword on his desk and walked to the window to relieve himself, despite the citizens below. It was obvious this man was drunk out of his mind. And if Corvo was going to escape his prison he was going to need that blade.

Corvo crept from his cell and slid the blade from the desk ever so carefully. The blade made a satisfactory ring as it slid across the desk top, though not loud enough to disturb the guard and his strange fascination with defecating out of a window. He stepped on the balls of his feet and silently grabbed the man by the mouth and slid the blade through the back of his neck to his throat. The guard gurgled muffled through Corvo's hand before finally falling silent and becoming dead weight.

Hopefully I don't have to kill all of them. Corvo thought to himself he continued through the corridor in complete stealth. Avoiding all contact with any guards. He was surprised at how much he could do with his new found stealthy techniques. He was able to effortlessly plan his next move from the safety of darkness. It was a much better alternative to barging in and slaughtering everyone like he used to. He continued through the corridor trying to be undetected as he reached the front entrance to Coleridge prison. He looked around frantically for a way to scale or get around the giant foot-thick titanium door that separated him from the drawbridge. He needed explosives, that was the only way he was going to get around that door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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