Chapter One:

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I left my old faction, Abnegation, for various reasons. One because I didn't fit in there with the caring people. Two because I had gotten myself into many dangerous situations. And three because my father said I was fearless. Ever since I was 10 my dad saw me being brave. I had picked fights with older boys. I defended my little brother, Quinton, and I spoke my mind. My mother called me a brat and a bully but she didn't see what my dad saw. He said I was ruthless and a fighter. He meant it in a nice way but I knew he was right. I was cruel. At least that's what my one friend told me before she left to join Candor. That was last year and her name was Janice. She wasn't a true friend and really I didn't have any friends. I really stuck with myself. I mean hey I wasn't going anywhere so I just depend on myself. That way only I can let myself down. Sure it sounds lonely but people bother me sometimes.

So that's why I left Abnegation and that's why I'm on this fast moving train on my way to what I think will be Dauntless. The train is moving so fast and I'm kinda uneasy because I've never been on one. It's actually pretty cool. The windows bring a nice breeze and I take a deep breath in.

Finally I'm free.

I smile and turn my head to a boy who sits on the floor next to me. I'm actually surprised there are a ton of people joining along with me. This boy is from Amity. He isn't the strongest but he's got a mean sorta look. But that quickly fades when he begins mumbling how he hates trains and why he should have never have joined.

"Hey it's alright you can do it. I mean the test isn't wrong." A girl standing across from him says.

"Yeah right I'll die." He mumbles and turns to look at me.

"Why'd you join?" He says pushing his blonde hair out of his face.

I look ahead and don't look at him. Though I know he's looking at me still.

I wait a bit then turn to him.

"Cause that's what the test told me." I bluntly say.

The girl across from him with red shirt nods like she understands. Which I bet she does buts it's like a friend nod. Like we are besties. I look away and almost smile. I'm almost too excited for being in Dauntless. I mean I'll actually being doing something I love.

"ALRIGHT TIME TO JUMP!" I hear a voice yell as the train doors slam open.

I don't understand what that random person meant till I see a Dauntless born jump out of the train onto a building.

"Oh hell no." The boy with blonde hair on the ground says as he stands up.

The girl smiles, "Hey it's what the test said you fit in most so deal with it."

I can tell she too is a little scared.

Annoyed with their fear I run and jump out. I don't even know what I'm jumping on. Is it the Dauntless building? I feel like it would have been further away but I guess I'd been lost in thought.

I land on my side and roll over onto my feet. I'm out of breathe by how I landed. It wasn't too bad only my knee is bleeding. My shoulder hurts a little bit I'm fine.

I get up just as I hear the blonde boy land right next to me, stomach first. His face meets the ground and he groans in pain.

"Well that wasn't bad I have a few cuts." The girl with red shirt says.

Ugh why am I always near them.

I get and follow the rest of the group towards a ledge where someone is standing on. I can't see his face but I hear his voice. It's cold and strict. Not super welcoming but I'm not looking for that. This isn't Amity.

"Alright listen up. I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders." I hear the voice say as I make my way to the front of the side of the group. I'm right next to the ledge of the building. I take a quick peek down and I see a hole. I wonder why are we hear? Do we jump or fight down or...?

Looking back to the guy apparently named Eric I finally see his face. A stern mean look is on his face. He has two eye piercings and ear piercings too. He has short hair that is shaved off on the side a bit and a big neck tattoo.

"If you want to get to Dauntless it's through here." He says eyeing the whole group.

"What do we jump?" A girl from Erudite next to me says. She must have seen the hole.

Eric turns to her and doesn't change his expression.

"Yes, got a problem?" He asks.

It's the kind of question that you don't answer.

"Well Yeah is there a net?" A boy from the back asks.

Eric glares at the boy, "Guess you'll find out. Or not. Now who's first."

Nobody moves and it's sorta sad. A girl to my righ takes a step back and shine people shuffle. Sighing I shake my head.

If I die or this is a trick... oh well. I guess I'll have to prove myself sometime in this Dauntless thing.

I walk up next to Eric and he eyed me from head to toe. He jumps off in a loud way. And turns his back to the other and faces me as I look down.

"Come on stiff." A girl yells from the back. I think she was the same one who said get ready to jump.

I scoff at her comment. 'Sniff' like the hell I am. I turn around to face the crowd and Eric glares up at me.

"Second guessing?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes and mumble "Cowards." Then I leap backward (back-first) and watch the sky as I fall. I don't scream because just as I jump I'm already on a net. The fall was quicker then I thought. It wasn't even that bad. I smile because that was actually fun. There was a net down here this whole time. Of course.

Suddenly the net shifts and I lunge towards the side where a guy stands there waiting for me to get off.

"What happened? Did Eric throw you over?" He ask helping me off the net and onto the floor.

I look around and I think I'm in Dauntless because we are in a small corner and I think I can see an opening where Dauntless are running through and out of.

I look back at the guy. And he waits for my reply.

"No I jumped back-first." I saw without changing my stern expression.

"Alright. What's your name?" He asks.

"Rachel." I say.

"First jumper is Rachel!" He yells past my ear to the few Dauntless are watching behind us. I just notice them now.

"Welcome to Dauntless Rachel." He says just as another jumper falls screaming and hits the net.

"Yeah welcome to Dauntless." I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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