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🕷️Peter's POV🕷️

I looked at the clock during my 7th-period chemistry class there was still 15 minutes till freedom...Otherwise known as the weekend. While the teacher explained some basic {Insert science stuff} I tuned it out since I had already learnt it from uncle Bruce. When the bell finally rang, I went to my locker said goodbye to Ned and Harley, and went to go meet Happy waiting in a black SUV, Alex was already there

On weekends, we stay at the compound. When we got there we went to the lab we share with Harley since it is so big even though dad insisted on us having separate labs although we do have sections of the lab that are ours, I did some updates on my AI Karen like more web combinations. After a while, I went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

'Hey uncle Steve! I thought you were on a mission' I asked him, He smiled at me 'Hey Pete, I just got back but Fury is giving us another mission tonight so I won't be around tonight.' he replied. I grabbed a granola bar and ran out the door while shouting 'Bye uncle Steve!'

When I got back into the lab I slipped on my suit, waved goodbye to Alex and swung out of the small window in the lab, making sure I disabled FRIDAY. It was a peaceful night with hardly any crime, I stopped 2 muggings, played a game of chess in the park with an elderly man and helped a lost kid find his parents after that I was eating a croissant when my spider-sense went off...

I turned around to see dad aka ironman flying towards me...Wonder what he wants. He lands in front of me and lifts his mask up. 'We need to talk Spidey-boy' he says. Just as I was about to say something I realise he will recognise my voice so I tried to make my voice as deep as possible. 'About what tin-can' I reply. 'Heres my offer join SHIELD and you can train to be an Avenger, I don't ask twice' He offers. 'Do I have a choice?' I ask already knowing the answer. 'No.' he says and lifts up his mask. 'Yeah...Hard pass' I say then I jump off the building and swing to another one. He flies after me and my spider senses go off again as I catch a tranquillizer arrow Uncle Clint shot at me, he looks shocked. then my spider sense goes off again but I don't have enough time to react so I got hit by Uncle Steves shield and almost drop my croissant. 'STAPPP I COULDDAA DROPPED MAH CROISSANT' I yelled then quickly finished my croissant and then yeeted caps shield at him but he dodged it.

I managed to lose them and swung down to an alleyway and waited a couple of minutes before I left to make sure no one followed me. I swung back to the compound and Alex was on her laptop probably hacking SHIELD again.

When it was time for dinner Alex and I left the lab and went to the kitchen where most of the Avengers (Tony, Steve, Bruce, Nat, Thor, Vis, Wanda and Bucky), Mum and Morgan sat at a huge table. Nat had made pasta and it was amazing. 'So got any interesting missions?' Alex asked. 'Yeah, we were assigned to recruit spiderman' Steve says. Alex glances at me then smirks and replies with 'cool'. 'Spiderman is awesome!' Morgan says and I smile. 'S-so what do you guys think of Spiderman?' I ask.

'He talks too much.'

'He caught MY arrow! I NEVER MISS!'

'Ah! Man of spiders is funny!'

'He could be dangerous we need to be prepared for him to attack'

'We know nothing about him. He is a liability'

After dinner I took Morgan to bed and told her a story, her favourite stories are of spiderman I just say I read about them online, 'I love you 3000' she whispers as I close the door which I can hear because of my super hearing.

As I walk past the meeting room I see all the Avengers talking to eyepatch on the screen they were talking about me...Well, not Peter Stark...Spiderman. Talking about ways to capture me and find out my identity if I don't join them so they can know how to stop me if I go rogue. after they are done I go hang out with Alex in her room and tell her all about spider-mans encounter with the avengers.

While Alex did her homework, I fell asleep on the ceiling and was woken up by a broom to the face. 'Ow' I say loudly.  'Out spider-boy I need to sleep.' With a flip I jump to the ground and return to my room.

Word count: 836

first part :p

And if anyone wants to msg me and be my friend that likes marvel and stuff you can cus ye...

Ill update soon

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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