Stay...Just a little longer

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August 30th, 2014 10:31am-Jungkook
The day before my 18th birthday, I got in the driver side or my car. I turned the key and cranked the engine. A deep breath and a tear. "Just this day left" I thought to myself. My eyes turned to the face in the window of the house. It was Taehyung. The front door opened and he stepped out of the house, fully dressed, into the cool and breezy morning.

I had woken earlier than expected, long before Taehyung or the others; Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin. He looked at me sitting in the car and shook his head. I knew that he would never approve of my plan and would only try to stop me but nothing mattered to me anymore. He wouldn't know until it was too late to stop it or change it.

He stepped from the doorway and then closed the door behind him once he was inside the house. The soft, late summer breezes had blown his hair out of place. When he reappeared in the doorway, I sighed. He stepped down the wooden stairs onto the stainless, white sidewalk and to the parked car. He opened the passenger door and sat in the seat beside me.

    "Where are you going?" he asked curiously.
    "For a drive, why does it matter?" I said bitterly.
    "Can I come?"
    "No you can't"

I sighed and shook my head. He would only get in the way and make it difficult. He got out of my car and went back to the porch, leaning on the newly painted white railing. I put the car in gear and slowly backed out of the driveway as I checked the mirrors. I glanced at taehyung once more and set my eyes on the gray road ahead, placing my foot on the gas pedal. The car jolted forward and then the low gas light came on. I drove down the road until I came to a red stoplight.

When I got to the stop light, I reached into my backseat and grabbed my black and gray backpack. I unzipped the front pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. The light turned green and I drove to the small gas station on the left hand side of the road. I went inside, paid for my gas, came back outside, and pumped the gas into my gas tank. I sighed and got back into the car. The car was started up again and I started to drive.

I parked the car on the dirt path in the middle of th overgrown woods. I sighed and got out with my backpack in hand. With each step I took, the sound of crunching leaves became louder. My phone started to ring and I took it out of my back pocket, Taehyung. He was calling me for some reason but I wouldn't answer. No, Not this time. The phone rang once more but I ignored it. I only stopped walking through the woods to reassure myself that I was doing the right thing.

The lake in the middle of the woods where me and Taehyung hung out over the summer glistened and shone like glass. The murky water had never before seemed so inviting. I took off my shoes and white socks. I laid then in the grass beside the lake and walked over to the boat dock with my backpack. The gun was taken out of the backpack and laid on a wooden plank beside where I sat at the end of the dock. I removed my phone from the back pocket of my jeans. I called the one person who would actually be worth saying goodbye to.

    "Hello?" A voice, Taehyung, said through the phone.
    "Hey Tae... I just wanted to say goodbye to you while I still can..."
    "What do you mean? Where are you?" He asked frantically.
    "That doesn't matter... Just know that you won't see me again if I'm successful..."
    "Don't do it Jungkook! I'll be there in 2 minutes!"

I ended the call and sighed. A tear fell down my cheek as I thought about how upset he seemed over the phone. I picked up the gun and placed it to the underside of my jaw, another tear fell. I slowly added pressure to the trigger.

    "Goodbye world..." I said as the gun went off and a Bullet was lodged deep into my brain cavity. My vision became dark and I could no longer hear nor see anything. I fell forward into the murky lake water and started sinking.

I had already called the EMS after getting off the phone with suicidal Jungkook. I could hear the sirens wailing in the distance as I ran to the lake where I knew, I just knew, Jungkook would be there.  I screamed his name at the top of my lungs. I saw his shoes, socks, backpack, and the gun.

His body was barely visible through the murky lake water. I immediately jumped in and pulled him out of the water and up onto the boat dock. I could see the entry spot of the bullet but refused to give up on him. I clasped my hands together and began CPR on him.

    "Come on Jungkook! Don't leave me now! Fight, fight back!" I said as tears started to fall.

When I looked up, I saw three EMTs running toward us with a stretcher. I backed away and watched then work on Jungkook. I tried to think of signs that should have told me this was coming but I didn't remember any. Why did this happen? What caused it to suddenly happen?

After crying for almost ten straight hours, I thought there would be no more tears left. Boy was I wrong. I was in a never ending waterfall of tears in the first floor waiting room when a doctor dressed in a white lab coat came to speak to me about Jungkook.

    "Kim Taehyung?" The doctor asked.
    "That's me... " I said
    "Come with me please" He said in a solemn tone.
    "Is he dead...?" I asked.
    "No, he is on life support"
    "As long as he lives..."
    "We can't be certain of that yet."

The doctor brought me up to the fifth floor and into room 546, Jungkook's room. He lay there on the crisp hospital bed, motionless. He was hooked up to a ventilator, an IV, and a heart monitor. I walked to the side of his bed and stood there, looking at what he did to himself. Hi head was wrapped in many bandages. The top of his head had been stapled together after brain surgery and had a drain system hooked up to it. I held his pale, icy cold hand.

August 30th 2017 4:34
    "It's been three years Jungkookie... three years in a coma... You will be 20 years old tomorrow, you are getting old!" I said and laughed to myself. "You are gonna be a grandpa like Yoongi, sleeping all the time"

Using jokes always helped to make it less difficult to spend day after day in that hospital room, waiting on him to wake up. His mother came to the hospital about once a month and his father rarely ever did.

The doctor came in the room. He checked on Jungkook every hour of his shift. I watched his actions carefully. He turned to me to ask a few questions but then stopped himself.

    "Is something wrong sir?"
    "I am just thinking of ways to say this without hurting you" he said.
    "Umm ok"
    "Well Jungkook has been here for 3 years now. The hospital staff have decided to take him off of life support tomorrow if he doesn't wake up."
    "You can't do that!"
    "We have to. We need more room for other patients."

September 1st 12:37
     "Come on Jungkook... I can't lose you now... please wake up or you will die... please"

The doctor came in the room with papers for me to sign saying that Jungkook was medically terminated and not murdered. I begged the doctor to give Jungkook until the end of the day before pulling the plug. The doctor sighed and left the room.

I walked to Jungkook and held his hand. I heard a small sound and felt his hand warm up. Jungkook was waking up! He made another sound and slowly opened his eyes. I hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulder.

    "Jungkook, your awake!" I said while sobbing.
    "Yeah ... " he said in a scratchy voice.
    "After 3 years, you finally wake up!"
    "3 years? What? I'm 17 Taehyung, it hasn't been 3 years"
    "You are 20 Jungkook. It's 2017. It's your 20th birthday"
    "How did I sleep for 3 years?"
    "You tried to kill yourself and put yourself in a coma"
    "I remember that..."
    "I begged you to stay for just one more day."

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