#Perfect Date - 1

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Perfect Date: Contest:
Dear Bobby,
I know these are words I can't say to you so I'm going to do what I do best. I'm going to write them down in a letter and give it you. I like you, I like you a lot. I like your smile, I love your baby blue eyes that I seem to get lost in. I like how funny you are in class and how confident you seem to be. I wish I knew more about you as a person but, I don't. I only get to see bits and pieces of you but I want to get to know you, and if you want to get to know me without the social rankings of a school ladder. I really want to get to know you, and I want you to know me because deep down I'm amazing.
But if this were real this is how everything would turn out.

I would leave this letter on the hood of your car, you'd be curious to see who it was so you'd come to the destination I printed on the letter( which is a beach house in south Florida, that I would decorate and put candles everywhere). And I'd be waiting for you frantically in my long dark blue dress, my hair straight and my makeup done, hoping you'd come. Then you do, and my world stops. Because you actually came, you'd be wearing a suit with a blue tie. You'd check me out and I'd blush playing with my dress.
"Wow, you look beautiful." He says mesmerized by me.
"Y-o, mh, you do too." I say trying to calm my racing heart. And without realizing you called him beautiful, you chuckle."I'm surprised you came." I said as you take a step foward.
"Well, I wanted to know who wrote this, and I had no idea I'd find you here." You say holding up my letter.
"Who'd you expect to find?" I ask.
"Not you." You state truthfully.
"Is that a bad thing?" I question nervously running my hands through my hair that took hours to do.
"No, it's not." You say with a smile that gives me butterflies.
"Well, I got rice, chicken and potatoes for us to eat. I hope that's okay." I said pointing at the covered plates.
"That's fine." You'd say walking over to me and pulling out my chair. I'd blush for the hundredth time tonight and sit down thanking you. You'd sit down and just stare at me for a second before taking the lid off of the food and taking a bite. While eating we'd talk and I'd ask you about baseball, and you'd tell me why you started playing and some stories. Then I'd tell you about my life and at the end of the night you'd walk me to my car and kiss me, and tell me we'd do this again.
Word count: 488

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