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You see I don't think it's healthy how much I think about  you and what your doing when I'm not around. I think it's because I want to be with you. But we have barriers, barriers I might not be able to break. Why? Because we're different, I just don't know how different because I don't know. I don't know you outside of the classroom, and I don't who to blame for that. I could blame myself for not speaking up when I had the chance. But I could blame you because you just had to be friends with them. Or that could just be an excuse I use. I don't know what to do because you, you make me feel things I haven't felt in a long time. I don't know what it is about that I'm so attracted too. I think it's your eyes, or maybe your smile . I don't know your smile is a bit goofy but it makes me smile so that something right.

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