Time 1.3

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Dear Dika Hardian,

I don’t need a romantic sentences or whatever it is when I’m alone with you. I just need you for the rest of my life. That was my wish anyway, haha. When I give you this letter, you might be with someone else though. Or, maybe you still waiting for me, but I doubt that :p And I just want you to know that I am so in love with you. I hid it? Yes. I think you really deserve a better girl than me. And about time, I don’t know. I just wish, someday, you’ll take me to the place that I haven’t been before. And if that day come, such as your wedding with other girl or my funeral or yeah i don’t know, I promise to give you this letter.

Dika, I know this is sounds awful but, I love you from the first time we’ve ever met. It was far away from the day you started to know me. Thank you for everything. I love you.

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