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After the kiss, Rio disappeared leaving me alone in the empty house. I was picking up the broken shards of glass when Beth entered the house. I still wasn't speaking to her, I just secretly picked up the bullets that Rio left so Beth didn't know he was here.

"Are you gonna speak to me?"She asked me, I just shrugged her off throwing the glass pieces away. "What happened here?" I opened the bottom cabinet taking out the trashcan.

"I dropped a cup" I slammed the cabinet door shut putting the broom away. "Don't worry I wasn't attached to it" She sighed sitting on the counter.

"Im sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. I just was worried about all of us"

"You sure you weren't thinking about yourself?" I turned to her wiping the counter down. "You sure you just didn't want to put the big dog down so you could be the big dog?" I clenched my fist taking a deep breath, her lies almost cost me my life and I can't even say anything.

"I would never do that!" She exasperated. I looked up at her

"How can I believe you, I trusted you to let me handle it and you went right behind my back how can I trust you," She was playing with the hospital wristband from earlier today.

"I know its gonna take a long time for you to forgive me but I mean it when I said I was sorry" She stood up her heels tapping to me. "Maybe now that he's gone we could figure this out" She was still at my sister and I should forgive her but I don't know how Rio can and now I have to fix that without her finding out.

"A long time" I walked past her heading to my room stopping in the stairs. "Did the girls know about everything?" Was I gonna be alone in this did they choose a side. She shook her head grabbing the bottle of whiskey.

"No, I didn't tell them anything" She admitted. I scoffed walking up the stairs and into my bed. I tried falling asleep but my head wouldn't let me. I kept thinking of different scenerios of how this could end and the next thing I know the sun was rising behind my curtains. After I finished showering I went downstairs seeing if Beth was still there but she probably fell asleep a couple of hours ago.

Still deciding what to do I went to class since I've only had 2 left for the semester and our final next week there was no chance I was failing a class for this. When class was over I dropped by Annie's job to say hi.

When I got there security went up now there was cameras and an extra guard including Tyler. Annie was in the checkout lane a frown very noticeable. I got a chocolate bar handing it to her when she noticed it was me her smile grew.

"Hey big sis," I told her.

"Beth called me last night explained everything" She would call her first. "I want to say im so sorry I didn't know anything I would've done something else" I lifted my hand shushing her.

"I know Annie its fine im not mad at you" I needed someone to talk to and I know Ruby still is probably still worried for Sara. "I actually needed advice," I asked her truthfully.

"I may be a bit biased since she's my sister as well but you should shes always just doing whats best for both of us she always did since she could literally speak"She answered my question even before I could even ask it. "Im not saying run to her in open arms but at least start forgiving her" Boomer cleared his throat popping up behind me.

"What may this be?" Annie swiped the chocolate bar telling the price. I handed her the cash.

"Checking someone a chocolate bar"

"I'll see you later," I told her goodbye walking out of Fine & Frugal getting into my car. I took my time driving to Beths still making a decision. When I opened the door I was greeted by the aroma of food being cooked. I followed the smell heading to the kitchen, there was Beth cooking. I smiled recognizing the smell.

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