Everything Falls

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My head was killing me. I tried moving from my spot trying to remember whats happening but I felt something holding me down.

"Glad to see you awake," Liam came into the room holding a knife he was cleaning. "I was starting to think I may have used to much chloroform on you."

"What the hell did I do to you," I struggled to get out but the rope was tight it was hurting me every time I used too much force.

"You don't have to do this"

"Too late I already called Rio and he's on his way here"

"Leave him alone he didn't do anything, do whatever you want with me but leave him out of it" He slammed his fist onto the table, turning to me.

"I held on to my wife seeing the life in her eyes disappear" His anger radiated from him. Who knew what he's capable of.

"Liam I-I'm sorry" I stumbled but he didn't care he stormed closer to me wrapping his hand around my neck holding the knife in his other hand.

"Do you know the rage I felt for revenge the only peace I could have was to kill those men," My heart felt like it was about to jump out as he tightened his hold. "Understand my anger when I realized that your little boyfriend decided to do a peace treaty with them," I heard a car pull up turning both our heads .

"Rio!" I tried shouting to get his attention but my voice turned into a squeak. I stared down at the knife that was plunging from my stomach

"Rio will be too late to save you," I don't know what it was but as I saw the blood I still didn't feel anything just an unexpected chill . Liam left the room grabbing a gun from the table before walking out.

It all seemed to slow as I accepted it. Everyone knows they're gonna die but we push it so far back until it all starts rushing towards you. The regret of things we never did, the remorse for the ones we loved and peace to what happened.

I heard voices as I came to, trying to open my eyes but I felt weak. What's happening?

"Adult female late 20s, stab wound in her lower abdomen.." Someone opened my eye shining a bright light. They continued saying something but everything started jumbling together.

"Chloe I'm right here," Everything started piecing together, I was at the warehouse. My eyes finally fluttered open as they lifted me into the ambulance.

"Im going in there!" Beth argued with them until they let her in.

"Ri-" I tried to say his name but I felt my energy decline as I tried talking.

"He's okay," Beth said to me.

"She's going into shock," I felt a stabbing pain in my gut making me convulse before I was enveloped by blackness.

I opened my eyes a migraine coming as I accustomed to the light. I looked around seeing Beth, Annie, and Ruby sleeping in the room. Annie was using Ruby as a pillow on the couch and Beth was sleeping sitting on the chair.

"Girls," They remained sleeping so I said it louder. "Girls!" They all woke up coming to my bedside.

"Oh my god you're awake," Ruby came to my side holding on to my hand. Annie came to give me a hug but stopped when she saw me wincing from the pain. I looked at Beth she looked the worst, she had bags that were dark her skin paler than normal.

"We've been here waiting for you to wake up. If anyone asks I'm your Aunt," Ruby explained making me smile. God, I missed these girls so much after all the secrecy with Rio, I felt like I put them behind a wall maybe it was to protect them or maybe it was to protect me .

Turning to Beth I motioned her to come. She stood right beside me smiling. "Beth I'm sorry for not telling you," I apologized. I was being an idiot for thinking I could do this without not telling Beth. I put all us in danger.

"I know why you didn't," She grinned shrugging her shoulders. "I was being a raging bitch," All of us laughed before settling down.

"he's not a bad guy," He actually came to save me.

"I know... I learned a lot about him while you've been out," That's when I remembered. How long have I been gone?

"How long have I been out?" I asked to no one in specific

"4 days," said Annie. My heart started racing, was I that close to death that I was in a coma? Ruby nudged her stopping her from laughing. "Okay, only 12 hours," I felt a stinging pain making me lift my gown to find the source. I had a scar where the knife stabbed me.

"Chloe," I looked at her realizing I zoned out. "The doctor says that you were lucky one more minute and you would have bled out," I thought I was gonna die.

"Have you heard from him," I asked her. She already knew I was gonna ask and she was prepared to answer me. All I could think about is the confession.

"He said to let him know when you wake up he's trying to solve the Liam problem,"

"What happened?"

"Liam died and the police think you might have killed him,"

"What did you tell them?"

"That you've been telling me Liam has been stalking you for quite a while and then I got a call saying he had you in that place so I went there and I saw him dead and you bleeding," My chest tightened as I started getting flashbacks to the Loft . My monitor started beeping rapidly making Beth grab me.

"Hey, hey you're okay, we're right here,"

"I tried postponing it but the police has to talk to you" I just wanted to get over with it so I told her to let them in. They all said their goodbyes before letting the cops in.

I entered the house not hearing any of the kids. I looked at Beth as she dropped off the keys.

"Dean took the kids while you stayed at the hospital," She murmured hugging me. I hugged her back walking up the stairs. "im gonna go pick them up in a bit.

"Im gonna go up to my room," Once my head touched my pillow I felt my body relax. Those hospital beds are uncomfortable. There was a knock on the door. I looked at the door trying to get the energy to ask Beth to come in but I was exhausted .

Rio came inside searching for me. Once his eyes landed on me he spoke up. "Your sis let me in before she left," I said hi to him before sitting up on my bed.

"So I've heard you've become BFFs with my sister now," I joked which made both of us smile.

"I couldn't visit you in the hospital and I was worried ," Rio sat down at the edge of my bed scratching the back of his neck. "I wanna say sorry, I got you into this mess."

"I'm an adult I stayed when there were times where it was smart for me to leave," I told him. The truth was I was crazy for joining this life but I kept coming back.

"I'll leave you alone now, I just wanted to make sure you were okay" He got up heading to the door.

"Rio stop," I stopped him as he touched the doorknob. "I dont want you to leave." I opened my mouth attempting to say something.

"I thought all of this would've made you change your mind about me," I shook my head standing up.

"You knew the risk of you being killed and you still came to save me," My voice faded as I remembered what I told him.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you strive to be the scariest and mysterious guy in the room but I got to know the real you and I can't ignore that," I spoke again . "We have to talk." There was a knock on the door stopping me. I walked past him heading downstairs.

I opened the door as I lifted my head seeing who it was. "Hello, Ms. Marks. I was hoping to have a word with you," Agent Turner stood at the door holding a briefcase in his hand.

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