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I pulled up into the new place seeing no cars in sight. Rio's guys were good any cop passing by would think this place was abandoned wouldn't even think twice about it. I drove to the back parking near the trees.

One of his guys came outside signaling me to come inside following him he guided me into the warehouse.

"The boss is upstairs" I nodded going up the metal steps aligning against the wall. I knocked on the door hearing only silence.

Rio opened the door sitting on the couch. "I like the new place," I said looking at the office.

"I enjoyed the other one more" He chided. Well, he's upset.

"I am sorry about that " Rio shrugged it off staying silent. Here goes nothing. "That's actually what I came to talk to you about" You walked to the couch sitting on the arm. "Don't hurt the girls," I asked him. His eyes narrowed to crinkled slits scoffing as he shifted in his seat.

"Youre funny, you know that,"He said keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"Im serious"I know they betrayed him and it'd be hard to convince him but I cant just watch my sisters die.

"They cheated me"He mentioned relaxing on the couch again.

"They were scared"I tried to reason with him, he must know how it must be.

"so they sent me to jail"

"To be fair they really didn't have time to think it through"I admitted putting my head down.

"You know I still don't a hundred percent trust you" He admitted, I didn't believe it there were dozens of things that prove he trusted me.

"If that were true you wouldn't have told me about this place"challenging him. Which made him stand up striding towards me. He towered over me as I was sitting.

"How would I look if people found out I spared your little friends"He spoke

"People won't find out"I tried reasoning with him which only made him smirk.

"Why should I,"He asked me. If emotional wasn't gonna work, I had to go criminal.

"Because your not dumb, you know how its gonna look on your part, you won't only be put as fraud also murder" and I would look like I was a part of it.

"Fine, but I need something in return" being so close to him intoxicates. "The deal still stands you know" I smiled thinking about last time.

"So im not a charity case" I kidded. Rio held his breath looking down at me.

"far from it" One of Rio's henchmen opened the door calling his boss. "What now" He mumbled before leaving the room. My phone vibrated with a message as I waited.

"Where did you go?" It was Beth.

"I went to get some more scotch" I cursed under my breath getting up from the arm of the couch heading to the door. Rio came in stopping me.

"Leaving so soon Lil Red" There goes that nickname again go it felt like forever since he called me that, I was sorta missing it.

"Beth is asking" I let him imagine the rest of it. He huffed sitting at his desk scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"Promise me" I don't know why I said that it just came out of my mouth but I couldn't stop now. "Promise me you won't hurt them" I started chewing on my cheek as I watched Rio clench his jaw. Rio eased into the chair leaning towards me.

"Fine" When my face didn't change and I had my hand on my hips he rolled his eyes continuing. "I give you my word I won't hurt them" I beamed at him before saying goodbye rushing to the car.

When I got to Beth's the girls were laughing at something. " Sorry sorry, there was a guy who couldn't stand being away from his alcohol so there was a whole thing"You put the two scotch bottles on the table greeting all the girls.

"Hey, girl we've been meaning to talk to you" They all huddled up next to me sitting on the couch. What were they gonna say, did they catch me going to the warehouse

"Yeah we want to apologize about that night, the night of the robbery" Ruby spoke.

"We didn't know you weren't going along with the plan, we talked to Beth and we just wanted to say we're really sorry" Annie drooped her head playing with her fingers.

"Guys I know im not mad," I told them, it wasn't their fault they didn't know what was going on.

"Im sorry too again, and we'll figure out a way to pay your debt and just am really sorry again" Beth confessed.

"No Beth you don't have to, the debt thing is already fixed just be my sister now and only my sister please"We gave each other a group hug hoping things will go back to normal" "Okay I got scotch so if we don't watch Housewives of New York im gonna be really upset" The girls smiled unwinding on the couch before turning on the tv.

"Need you to come back" I opened my eyes sleepily reading the message. It was one in the morning and Rio decided to give me a text for a job. I grudgingly got up from the bed heading to my closet to get dressed in something. I have to seriously get each of his men kneepads or something.

I stepped inside the warehouse looking up seeing Rio at his office talking on the phone. "Follow this way" The eyebrow tattoo guy guided me to the back of the warehouse towards an old looking door. When he opened the door, there was a room with a couch and some more supplies.

"It smells like burnt rubber" My face contorted into a frown smelling the room.

"Not five-star material but we had to find a new spot" The guy left as soon as Rio entered the room.

"What is that guys name I see him around everywhere and I yet know his name"

He turned around seeing the man walk away. "Carlos, he's been with me since way back" Rio walked into the room "has my back every time even if it disobeys my order"

"so where the injured dumbo" Rio knocked on the door stepping to the side as the door opened. He looked familiar I just couldn't put where. He came in limping and he was sweating and he looked pale.

"Remember him, his wound was treated by you" That when it hit me he was my first job but you did everything right he should've gotten better, not worse.

"Have you taken care it" I marched towards him looking at his leg, guiding him to the couch letting him rest there. The kid hung his head low looking guilty. "I have to take your pants off" The kid looked to Rio pleading for help with his eyes.

"What don't look at me, she's the boss here," He said pointing to me. The kid ultimately agreed to remove his pants. The wound was yellow and had some puss. The smell made me want to gag but I had to be the adult here. After cleaning my hands I put some gloves on trying to clean the wound.

"You couldn't rewrap the wound properly?" I told Rio. "Do I have to teach you" You groaned tending to the wound.

After I did my best to clean the wound I took my gloves off looking to the kid. "I did the best I could right now, what you need is antibiotics and need to rewrap your wounds properly for the next few weeks and come back so I could check up on you" The kid nodded putting his pants on. I gave him some antibiotics for now but he's gonna have to find another way soon.

When it was just the two of us I called Rio over. "Sit down" I pointed to the couch watching him. When he stayed in his spot I rolled my eyes before standing up to get him. "I am going to teach how to wrap before you kill your men " Rio gave me his famous smug expression that only made me want to smack it off of him. I grabbed the wrap handing it to him. "Wrap me" Rio stared at me like I was missing a head. "I need to teach you"

Rio started wrapping arm starting nicely but once he reached the second wrap he did it too loose. "Tighter" I instructed. "Too tight!"

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