Sticky Situation

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I put the grocery bag on my hip as I opened the door to the kitchen. I thought I should help out Beth a little bit more so I volunteered to go grocery shopping and put it away. When I entered the house I immediately started putting the stuff away. I heard the door jiggle before it open. Beth called me from the living room.

"In the kitchen" I put the coffee grounds in the cupboard as Beth entered the kitchen exasperated.

"Oh thank god" She put her hand on her chest exhaling the breath she was holding. "I thought he took you, why haven't you been responding to my messages" I turned to her tilting my head to the side reaching for my phone. There were 5 missed calls and dozens of messages.

"I must've had my phone on mute. Wait who"

"Rio" My heart skipped a beat, what was she talking about. "Since Ruby told Stan everything Stan promised to keep an eye on him and he just found out Rio has been released" Beth looked like she was gonna pass out any minute.

"Okay let's sit you down" I sat her in the chair rubbing her arm.

"Does he know where he is?" I asked her.

"No they lost him after he posted bail and they don't know where he is" Beth was zoning out into the conversation thinking about something. "I just don't get it he's been out already over a month and he hasn't done anything"

"Maybe he's moved on" She snapped her head to me looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Soulless Rio moved on, no," She stood up pacing around the room. "No, he's probably thinking about some horrendous way to murder us"

"Okay youre spending way too much time with Annie" I uttered.

"Beth you can not freak out"I tried calming her down. After about 30 minutes I managed to get Beth to not put all of us on witness protection.

"Stan also said that they're looking for all type of associates with him, im so glad youre no longer dealing with him"

"Yeah no, that'd be stupid he's dangerous," I said. "I have to go finish paying for my classes ill see you later" I left the house heading to campus before office hours close.

I entered the office greeting the front desk ladies, once paid I walked to front desk again seeing a man come in.

"Hi, darling I wanted to pick up my student registry my laptop is still being fixed" The man walked up beside me greeting the lady.

"Sure honey," The lady started typing away at her computer, the printer started humming to life. As soon as the printer coughed up stacks of paper the lady handed them to the man.

I took a peak to the man's paper

Chemistry Anatomy 204

That was one of my classes this semester. I turned to the man who was about to leave.

"Professor Figueroa? Hi, im in your 11 am class" Figeroa looked at the paper scanning the list. I spotted my name as he passed it. I pointed to my name looking back at him.

"Ms. Marks" He coughed fixing up his shirt. "It's um nice to meet you"

"Yeah I just wanted to introduce myself"

"Well I have to go but I will see you next week" The professor left heading back to the car. I turned my head wondering about his distance. After I paid everything I headed to the plaza to get a few things.

I was passing by a Veterinary Clinic when I saw a help wanted sign. You walked inside seeing the front desk empty. Minutes passed when finally a lady came out of her office.

"Im sorry about that, my receptionist is on a break" The lady stood behind the desk looking at the papers laying there. "So how may I help you"

"Hi yes, I saw your help wanted sign and I was wondering what positions were open?"

The lady smiled typing something on the computer. "We have an Veterinary Technician opening soon, our current one is about to go into maternity leave"

"Ok perfect" She handed me the application and I filled it out right there handing it to her once I finished.

When I got home Ruby and Annie were over with their kids playing in the back.

"Hey, whats up here?" I sat on the bench next to Annie.

"Stan still isn't talking to me," Ruby said drinking her coffee. Kenny was playing with Emma to rough and Beth said something to them.

"Im seeing Gregg again" Annie blurted. All of us stared at her dumbfounded.

"Are you sure about this," I told her. She nodded holding her mug tightly. "Ok well I'll support you for everything"

"Im still worried about Rio" I turned to Beth who was zoned out. "He is not gonna forget what we did to him"

"But we can't stay the whole time afraid and not live our life," I told them

"I agree"Ruby added. "Im just gonna be a little bit careful but im not hiding anymore" We stayed in silence as we watched the kids play.
I was wrapping a man's arm putting my gloves away fixing my area.

"You could go now" I shooed the man off as I put away the tools. I looked at my sleeve seeing a blood stain. I sighed grunting removing my shirt only leaving me in bra. I turned around seeing Rio behind me smiling.

"What do we got here?" He looked me up and down licking his lips. I tried taking a step back but there was a wall behind me.

"Are you gonna play" You mumbled. He put his lips on you grabbing one of your legs putting it around his waist. He deepened the kiss pressing you against the wall.

My head rolled back loving the way his stubble scratched against my neck. I took off his shirt seeing his chest in all its glory. He unbuttoned my jeans pulling them down. He left a trail of kisses going down my abdomen as he was getting closer to my nethers I let out a moan which was music to his ears because he bit down on my inner thigh which caused another moan. When I felt his breath in between my legs my body wanted to collapse but his arms kept me firm. He gave one long lick which made me gasp.

I sat up from my bed my heart beating loud. I was in my room, alone. I was all wound up thinking about the dream. My life was so complicated for the past few weeks I haven't really thought about it but now my body is bringing those memories back and it's not good for me. I looked at the time seeing it was 4 in the morning. I didn't have to wake up for another 3 hours, I fell back onto my bed closing my eyes trying to fall back asleep. I know I don't want to dream about it again but deep down I did I just couldn't admit it.

After class, I texted Beth that I was in a study group that I wasn't sure what time id be back but the truth is I was driving to the Warehouse. I was close to the warehouse when I noticed a black car behind me. I didn't know why but I had an instant suspicion so instead of turning to where I needed I went straight. My suspicion was true because the car was still following me even after the turns I made.

I decided to ditch the idea of going to the warehouse heading back to Beths. Beth was playing with the kids when I entered the living room. "Hey I thought you had that study group thing"

"Yea, it got canceled last minute, ima head upstairs to shower" I went up the stairs heading to my room. I pulled out the burner texting him.

"We need to meet urgent somewhere other than the warehouse" I showered as quickly as I could before walking to my room again.

"Go to Grantley Park" I grabbed my stuff heading downstairs.

"Im gonna go get food, want anything?"

"Yeah, can you get me some more dog food?" I nodded at her request heading out the door. I had to know why I was being followed and who was it because I can't bring trouble.

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