How Could This Happen

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"My place isn't gonna be anything like yours," Rio warned me as he opened the door to his house. The apartment wasn't small it looked like it was enough. We walked inside, Rio putting his keys into a bowl by a table. The room looked awfully similar to the loft Rio was hiding out, I started laughing which only made Rio ask.

"You're the one that decorated the loft weren't you?" Rio looked at me smirking as he remained silent. He got some pillows out of a cabinet putting them on the couch.

"You could sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch,"

"Come on, Rio," I teased him. "I've seen you naked I can handle sleeping in the same bed as you," Rio glanced up before heading to the room. When he entered the room I took a deep breath. "You're not gonna have sex," I mumbled to myself before walking into the room where Rio was removing his shirt. This is gonna be tough.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," I looked away heading to the side of the bed grabbing my bag taking out clothes. I removed my top putting on a tank top before climbing into the bed. Rio climbed into the bed turning off the light.

"How long is it gonna be like this," I asked. There was a moment of silence before he talked.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Being scared of turning the corner. Being trapped like a prisoner.

"The whole hiding thing, " But that's all I could say. It was dark but I could see the outline of Rios' face.

"I'm not sure," I groaned moving to my back I was facing the ceiling. "I'm not gonna stop until I find out who's doing this," I looked at him smiling. Rio must've noticed what he said cause he then continued. "My whole operation is depending on it,"

"It can't be all bad," He continued.

"what," I asked him.

"Staying here," He joked as he shifted to the side so he faced me.

"it's a five-star hotel," I joked back. I felt the comforter sink as Rio came closer. "the entertainment is weak" Maybe he should have slept on the couch.

"Oh, and how could I help with that," He asked as he moved his hand so it rested on my skin. I swallowed the lump that was stuck on my throat looking at Rio. It's just a kiss that's all. He seemed to get closer

"Figure it out," I stammered. Rio leaned forward until I could feel his lips brush up against mines. He hovered over me as we continued kissing. I moved my hands to the back of his neck pulling him closer to me as I deepened the kiss. Rio took off your shirt before continuing the attack on your neck.

I almost missed it but there was a sound coming from the living room. "Rio?" I whispered trying to not make noise. "I heard something," He turned around hearing the noise.

He got up heading to the door as I covered my chest with his sheet. When he opened the door, a boy was by the entrance. When he noticed Rio he stood up straight smiling.

"Marcos?" Rio stood there bewildered staring at the kid. "Que cojones estas haciendo aqui?" He shouted to the kid.

"Chill out dude," The kid looked at Rio before looking past him. "Who's that?" Rio blocked him.

"A friend. Now, what are you doing here," I couldn't move.

Marcos pushes past Rio heading to me before sticking his hand out. "I'm Marcos, and how are you?" He smirked fixing his hair which only made me giggle. Rio grabbed him covering his eyes giving me a chance to cover myself with clothes.

"Youre 16 she's not going nowhere near you,"

"Mama was bitchin about my friends so I came here to crash,"

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