EPISODE 9 - Recall To Service

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"Sorry about this, Gabriel, but we're both in the army now." 

Original UK broadcast: November 2nd, 1969 (ATV Midlands)

Written by: Pat Dunlop

Directed by: Peter Anderson

Regular cast: Father Unwin, Matthew, The Bishop, Mrs. Appleby

Additional voice cast:

Colonel Blair  Jeremy Wilkin
Captain Mitchell Gary Files
Professor Graham Keith Alexander
Sergeant Walsh Gary Files
French General Gary Files

The Aquatank, a new computer-controlled military vehicle, is to be demonstrated to the NATO heads of defence at the World Army Experimental Vehicle Division base. Anticipating sabotage, the Bishop assigns Father Unwin and Matthew to check security arrangements at the base, and Matthew is on board the Aquatank when it is re-programmed to target the observer's blockhouse! 

The original title for this story was "You're In The Army Now". This story has had mixed reviews from fans, as Paul O'Brien describes in the Andersonic fanzine when describing the Aquatank," an obvious about the hazards of complete automation". He then goes on to describe the rest of the episode, "The clerical vocation of the main character also introduces the issue of faith – the series doesn't so much preach any religion as such but rather demonstrates people putting faith in each other. In trusting the eccentric Unwin (blind faith as it happens, as [Unwin] appears to be talking utter nonsense), Professor Graham helps to avert the disaster. Unwin circumspectly passes it off as "a miracle of science", avoiding any awkward questions. In several other episodes, it's interesting that he implies that his successes (achieved using the science of the Minimiser) are down to divine intervention".  O'Brien then describes Mrs. Appleby as "contributing precisely nil to the plot".

The Professor Graham puppet is in fact played by none other than Captain Blue, the disguise in hair and clothing covers up the old features surprisingly well, perhaps they knew that Agent Blake was too similar to Captain Scarlet and made a better effort this time. Colonel Blair is also played Captain Grey in the episode, where he would have streaks of grey hair this time and next time around... Incidental music from the Joe 90 episode Arctic Adventure can be heard at the start of the episode, with tracks from King For A Day and Stingray's The Golden Sea also being heard. Footage from the destruction of tanks is reused footage from Joe 90's Business Holiday, but the stock aircraft shots are Angel Interceptor shots from Captain Scarlet. Another example of how Century 21 began to reuse their stock of shots from even main aircraft from other shows. 

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