Chapter 3

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" There is a crack in everything that's how you let light it" but i needed to let the light shine in through my dark past....

     Angela's POV

 Since Luke was the guest tonight, i decided to let him choose the movies. So right after the whole introduction and apologetic part of our conversation, i went to go change into some comfy clothes because I love putting my hair in a messy bun, wearing sweats, and a band tee. I walked down stairs and went to make some popcorn because who watches a movie without popcorn right? While i was opening the popcorn bags and preparing the bowls, i could hear Luke scattering the movies on the ground and picking certain ones he wanted to watch. I was praying for no horror movies because we all know i hate them. I know what your thinking, you don't like horror films, but you have them in your apartment? I have a strange addicition for movies and i want every kind and every genre there is:-)

        "Angela,  are you done with the popcorn?" Luke asks while breaking me from my often train of thought. "Yeah" i said while i walked into the living room. I only had one couch, so obviously Luke and I had to share the couch together. I haven't had another boy with me for a movie night since Josh (Beside Ashton) and boy I was nervous." I picked The Purge, Insidious, and Friday the 13th"  Luke says with a smile.Oh this is going to be a interesting night i tell you. I went upstairs to get some throw pillows and some cozy blankets while Luke set up all the TV stuff because tecnology+ Angela Simmons does not go well together I tell you. 

        We ended up sitting really close to each other because One, i have a extremely small couch, and two we all know I'm going to be hiding under the blanket i had. The movie started and I literally could not keep my eyes open for more than a scene. Obviously Luke could tell I was scared because I jumped and spilled all the popcorn, and I also was hiding in the blanket. I was so scared I didn't even realize that I was already hiding myself in Luke's chest, and i admit it, it felt pretty damn amazing. His warm embrace, his muscular arms wrapped around my small figure, and my shitty thin blanket didn't even provide heat so, the whole time heat was radiating from him. Everything felt so right, so screw it, I snuggled into his chest more and he kissed my head. But you know what, something happened to me that I havent't felt in a long time.... I felt free from that crazy chaotic place we call our "World" and everything felt right, for once.

        My eyes started to get tired, and before I fell asleep i felt his soft lips against mine.

        I woke up in my bed with Luke's arms wrapped around my waist with our legs tangled together. Luke's nose was scrunched up while his face looked overall very peaceful. I actually got seven hours of sleep last night, which i haven't had in a long time because I'm a Insomniac. I carefully untangled our legs and walked to the mirror. My face was glowing and my dark circles were gone.... before I could say anything I heard " You're beautiful" as i turned around to see Luke sitting on my bed with his messed up quiff. 

Luke's POV (Finally:))

        I remembered the way she looked when she fell asleep last night, she looked like a angel sleeping from heaven. I've never seen her so peaceful, but who am I talking I'm just a boy she met yesterday. The way she smelled like strawberies and the way she dressed in sweats, drew me towards her even more. Yes, I was the new neighbor, but the first day I saw her I was in awe. I eventually finished the two movies and ended up carrying her to her bedroom. I knew it was bad that I ended up "Sleeping with her" but there wasn't anything like that, that was involved. I couldn't help but hug her waist and to kiss her face, but everytime I kissed her while I was sleeping she relaxed even more. But before I could even finish thinking, I drifted into sleep. 

        I felt someone untangle their legs from mine while I was still half asleep. I quickly woke up with Angela staring at herself in the mirror. Wow she had light radiating from her skin, and she's never looked better. "You're beautiful Angela" I said without thinking... I started to blush when she turned around and started to mess my hair up, which was a habit I've had since I was little... but before I could respond, Angela's door opened and there stood angry Ashton staring at me, while i was  in her bed.

Author's Note:

Yay, finally I added in a Luke POV, there will certainly be more POV's of Luke so be prepared. I'm also going to be adding some Ashton POVs too. As you can see I'm gradually making the chapters longer and I'm excited for the plot twists coming up. I know I haven't actually talked about the "Josh Situation" but it will sooner or later be revealed. I hope ya'll like the story so far! -Kaitlyn


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