Chapter 5

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"I drove by all the places you used to hang out getting wasted, I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted... even though your friends tell me your doing fine, are you someone feeling lonely even though he's right beside youu"

     Angela's POV

          he kissed me. I didn't know how to react to this sudden outburst. We stood there kissing, just staring at each other in the rain. It never felt so good to be fully honest,I actually felt alive. Yes I missed Luke, but everyone always got hurt because of me. My sister got hurt partially because of Josh and I, Ashton got hurt because I practically neglected him. I can't do this to everyone I meet. I broke off the kiss and walked off. I could see the hurt in Luke's facial expression, and my heart hurt. 

        I could hear him shouting my name, but I couldn't look at him... If i did I knew I would break down. I walked into my apartment drenched. I know its stupid to do that, but I genuinely cared about him, but no one would understand that right? I took a shower and cried myself to sleep.

        I woke up at 5 am and got ready, Today was the first day for school to start again, ugh. I went to curl my hair, and did my makeup fairly simple. I put concelaer to cover up my imperfections and had winged eyelner and mascara topped with a lip stain. I changed into some ripped skinnies, a sweater, and my combat boots, becasue fall was approaching and its definetly getting colder.

        By they time I was finished with organizing and getting ready it was already 7 am. I had one hour to spare so I decided to meet up Ashton at the cafe. "Ashton" I said with a smile and a wave. He came from behind the counter and hugged me. He ended up having classes with me in the afternoon, but had none in the morning. We had coffee and there I was off to my college classes.

Ashton's POV

        Yeah I felt bad to punch Luke, but I didn't want another person to treat Angela like how Josh did. The aftermath of Josh and Angela wasn't good. She didn't have anyone literally except me, that's why I didn't like Luke. I'm her best friend and she's my best friend, I want the best for her.

       6:45 From: Anna

Ash, I'm coming to the cafe in a few. wanna have coffee together?

6:50 To: Anna

yeah, I'm working so I'll take a break when you come. See you in a few.

Luke's POV

        she left me. I tried shouting at her to come back, but she never came back. I was left there drenched and alone in the apartment complex, I've never felt so alone. I didn't even get a reason, I guess this is what she felt like when I left her a month ago. I guess all these problems were signs that we weren't mean't to be. I get that, nothing is perfect.. I wanted to move on, but just the thought of never seeing that smile, I was confused. Uni is starting tomorrow, so I better get ready. I walked in with my quiff sagging in my face because of the rain. I also got a bunch of strange looks, but I didn't care those people didn't matter... Angela mattered.

        I woke up and quickly went to get dressed, again I woke up late... I made my hair into a quiff and grabbed a black tee, a red and black flannel, black skinnies, and black vans and ran outside to get on the subway. I arrived at Uni and it was huge. I almost got lost because here in America they call it "College" instead of Uni. I walked into the huge class room late while the teacher was giving a lecture. "Nice to have you in class Hemmings, hurry up and get a seat" the professor yelled to me. I quickly picked the only seat opened next to a familiar face... Angela.

        She seemed to notice me, but I wasn't expecting her to talk to me, which she didn't. Throughout the lecture I couldn't help to stare at her concentrated face and how her brows scrunched up when she was focused. "Okay class, pick your partner next to you and talk to get to know each other" he yelled. Angela and I were partners, Shocker.... 

        "whats you name?" I asked. "I'm Angela Nicole Simmons whats yours?" I replied "Luke Robert Hemmings." We kept on going on with the usual boring general questions like favorite color, birthdays, siblings, and etc. She never gave me eye contact and didn't even act like I existed.

        I ended up leaving Uni early because I was fed up with the teachers. I went to my new internship down the block. I ended up just walking there because I had time to spare. I reached it and it read "Ted's Movie Shop" I walked in and went straight to work. I orignially got this job to keep myself busy and to earn money, but all the movies reminded me of Angela...

       Authors Note:

Sorry guys the last two chapters have been horrible. I've been having writers block and I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I hope y'all enjoyed this chaper. I also apologize for the shorter chapter I uploaded today.

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