1. Prolouge- You Might Be Wondering How I Got Here...

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*in the past of a chaotic land the Royal Siblings, King Aspen, Queen Novo, King Nova, and the King Of Abssinya are in armor looking around*

Discord- *narrating* It was a long, long time ago...now I know what you're all thinking...this is all me and Eris' fault...

Luna/Artemis- *in armor with the Elements of Loyalty, Kindness and Generosity around their necks* Did you find him?

Celestia/Solaris- *in armor with the Elements Of Honesty, Laughter, and Magic* *lands* He'll turn up. He always does.

Discord- *narrating* Now, Eris honestly had no part in this but as for me...well in this one tiny, itty bitty incident, you would maybe be right.

Queen Novo- *in armor* *serious* If we don't get this under control now, we may not be able to reverse all the damage.

Voice- We have him.

Discord- *narrates* Indeed they did have me.

*the Kings throw him on the ground and the rulers glare at him*

Discord- *on the ground* Ow! Easy on the horns.

Discord- *narrating* Ah, there I am. I'm going to reiterate here that this was not my fault.

Aspen- *glares at Discord* Quiet! Do you have any idea how far you've gone!

Celestia- *glares at him* Discord! This isn't one of your mere annoyances.

Solaris- *equally glaring* Your destroying the very fabric of our world!

Both- *demanding* Stop this at once!

King Of Abssinya- *with a bandage on his ear* *worried* It's happening at a frantic rate...has he ever been this crazed before?

Luna/Artemis- *worried* Discord! Stop before more are injured!

*Equestria is thrown out of whack due to the chaos and Valentine themed related things*

Discord- *fearful* IT ISN'T ME DOING THIS!

*suddenly a giant talon comes down nearly on everyone*

Discord- *scared*

Voice- *playfully sinister* *feminine* Now, now it's not nice to touch things that aren't yours. Return him to me.

Royals- *look in shock*

Luna- *shocked* Who...what are you?

Discord- *hiding behind Celestia and Solaris in fear* Save me from her please! Get rid of her and this all goes back to normal, I swear it will take all of us, even me!

Artemis- *glares at him* ...If we help you now, will you turn yourself and Eris in?

Discord- *scared* YES! Anything you want! I'll swear and make Eris swear off the hijinks for good! I'll clean the castle! I'll start a youth group! JUST STOP HER!

Voice- *sinisterly singsong while literally tearing the fabric of reality apart * Oh Diiiiiiiiscord!

King Of Abssinya- *worried* We're running out of time!

Royals/Discord- *uses their magic and artifacts to blast the being*


Discord- *smirks* What was that dear? I can't hear you over all the chaos.

Being- NOOOO!!! *gets turned into six stars that are spread across the galaxy*

*everyone collapses in exhaustion*

Celestia- *glares angrily at Discord* Discord, you and Eris are to report to the palace at once, and we are going to have a very long discussion about over who that was and what just happened.

Solaris- *glares at him*

Discord- Oh! Yes, about that...*snaps his fingers*

*all the royals get put to sleep*

Discord- *with a mixing bowl* I can't let any of you remember this. Wake up and think it was me and Eris. There wasn't anyone else here. It was all me and Eris. *he looks up to the sky to see six stars shaped into a heart* *sadly* Goodbye, Cosmos...*sets down a cake that says 'Sorry About The Mess' XOXOX Discord* *disappears in a puff of smoke*

Celestia/Solaris- *groggily wakes up* *looks at each other in confusion*

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